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Everything posted by dtarin

  1. That article is quite old. Perez is the default transposition model. Using measured diffuse irradiance will result in higher transposition accuracy for GlobInc.
  2. Defining a wall will still cause beam loss as a solid object. The poles holding up the net could be modeled. You can account for shading of netting by adding more support poles as thin objects.
  3. Each variant will save it's shade scene within itself. Exporting the shade scene is more of a backup method in case the variant is compromised, you wish to transmit outside, or use in other variants, etc.
  4. It does not. Different manufacturers will have different tracker designs, and PVsyst would not know which value to use. The distance PVsyst considers is only from the module. The axis refers to the axis of rotation (X location on the module); the Y component (height) is defined by user from the module. Your input into this field should take into account the tracker design. Have a look at the bifacial input settings page to see this. Image attached for reference.
  5. Hello, Multiple trackers on the market have a significant gap in the middle for 2P bifacial tracker systems to limit shading on the rear side. It would be nice if PVsyst had an option to define a center gap distance, separately from the module X & Y spacing options we have. Currently, if we set Modules X spacing in the shade scene, it adds that distance divided by two to the left and right side of each module. This causes the table width to be larger than what is designed, and extends past the edge of the modules.
  6. Hello, It would be helpful if object positions were to the third decimal place. When placing an object at a specific coordinate, there is only the first decimal available. Measurement goes to the third decimal, so too should object position. Thanks.
  7. Click Report > Settings > Printed pages and units > Nb Decimals for %
  8. You can use zones. Once modules or tables are populated you can edit by removing specific modules/tables, change baseline slope, etc.
  9. Not sure why that may be. Clear existing horizon, click Read / Import. Then Select PVGIS from left menu. Click the line "PVGIS horizon from WEB. Click import from PVGIS WEB. I just tried and it worked for me. Double check that your .SIT file has proper coordinates.
  10. Take your inverter output from PVsyst, apply your losses from there in order to the POI
  11. (P_actual/P_rated -1)*100 Positive result indicates gain, and is entered as a negative in PVsyst
  12. Try emailing support for faster response.
  13. A little late responding here. 1. Update to 6.8.3, PVGIS is working in that version. Or visit that link, get the horizon profile in txt format, convert to PVsyst readable format, and then import as PVsyst internal file. 2. It is not automatically included in the meteo data.
  14. Have you found a solution for this? If you run a simulation, you can get the meteo data from the 8760 output.
  15. My guess is that it has to do with equipment safety and protecting the inverters. A low pnom ratio might not function the most efficiently, but I dont think it's going to break the inverter, whereas too high of a pnom ratio can. Most inverter manufacturers only list max ratios (when they do list them) and not min ratios.
  16. This is likely due to severe terrain changes in slope. There are a couple things. Keep increasing table spacing until it goes away Manually move each table off of the adjacent one where there is overlap, then reset the table height according to terrain. Do a check under tools to move to the next error. Once the validity check returns no results, you are finished. Ignore table interpenetrations in tools (I never do this personally)
  17. From the help:
  18. Sorry for the late reply here, just saw this. It appears HIT is classified as an unconventional technology, to which LID does not apply. It seems LID is only applicable to c-Si technology in PVsyst. Panasonic HIT modules (for example) state low LID, but not zero LID. I would suggest accounting for LID loss in the module quality factor loss.
  19. You can change tilt under the orientation menu (under input parameters). If you have created a 3D shade scene, you can also set the tilt there, and update the orientation settings once you save and close the shade scene.
  20. See: http://files.pvsyst.com/help/thermal_loss.htm https://pvpmc.sandia.gov/modeling-steps/2-dc-module-iv/module-temperature/faiman-module-temperature-model/
  21. Thank you for the response. When new features are introduced or changes are made, there is a delay in the help notes being updated. Since knowing more about the changes is beneficial to all users, it is useful to come to the forums so others can understand them at the same time. Some recent examples which come to mind were the changes made to soiling ("Deep review of soiling treatment"), and the irradiance optimization tracking method. The documentation in 6.8 covers the irradiance optimization strategy, but when it was released, users were not aware of what it entailed, and thus came to the forums for clarification.
  22. Hello, Where are you seeing the shading? In the waterfall, or in the shadings animation in the shade scene? I just tested in 6.7.9, and I have a single tracker next to a two row tracker, and backtracking is working for me. As you can see, I have selected the single tracker, showing it is not part of the first two rows. 0 shading in the shadings diagram to the right, as well as 0 electrical effect in the waterfall. Maybe your tracker isnt spaced exactly.
  23. Thank you for bringing this to attention. I have noticed the next to zero feedback as well from PVsyst, and moreover no reply to this thread. It would be great if PVsyst could provide a comment on their lack of attention here. Between no proper documentation for updates and no comments here, each update brings more unanswered questions.
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