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Linda Thoren

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Everything posted by Linda Thoren

  1. Dear Javier In your first print screen you do not have 10 batteries, only 1. The error message suggest you to increase the battery capacity or reduce the charging power, to increase the charging time. Your PV array Pnom is 48.9 kWp which of course also has to be taken in consideration when dimensioning the storage. In the advanced parameters you also have the possibility to change the Minimum charging/discharging time. Regards
  2. Dear Dimionge, The Normalized productions (per installed kWp) and the Performance Ratio PR is a way to facilitate a comparison between PV installations. You can read more about how these definitions and how they are calculated in the help page in the link attached below. https://www.pvsyst.com/help/performance_index.htm https://www.pvsyst.com/help/index.html?performance_ratio.htm You are also invited to watch a video tutorial explaining the graphs and the Balances and main results table, or read the pdf tutorial “My first project” explaining the different parts in the project report, see links below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8mftCOeq4U https://www.pvsyst.com/pdf-tutorials-grid-connected/ Regards
  3. Dear Numca, Your problem is not clear. In PVsyst you need to have a number of strings that is a multiple of the MPPTs used. In your case with 3 MPPTs, it seems like you should create two subarrays, the first one with 1 MPPT and 5 strings, the second with 2 MPPTs and 8 strings. If your system is well dimensioned you should not have any error messages linked to the distribution of strings on the MPPT outputs. If this is not the answer to your problem please post a picture of your system configuration and the error message that you get. Regards
  4. Hello, Currently only the predefined tables in the report options can be implemented in the report. The custom tables can be printed and exported, but not included in the general report. Regards
  5. Dear Tomin Bejoy, What kind of construction is it that you wish to do? Is it linked to floating solar that is the origin of this topic? The print-shot you provide comes from a DC-grid project, you can start a DC-Grid project through the Project tab, choosing New DC-Grid project, see picture below. By opening a new DC-Grid project, you can in “System” construct a system similar to your screen-shot and in “Near Shading” you can construct a shading simulation. I hope this answers your question, otherwise please specify further what kind of construction you are referring to. Regards
  6. Dear Florent D. You can import your measured GTI data as a “Custom file” in the PVsyst database. For the Meteo data, tick the box marked “Measured global on plane” and indicate the column with the GTI data, then in the Variables tab you specify the Azimuth and the tilt. Regards
  7. In PVsyst we have 3 strategies for Grid-storage. In the Self consumption strategy, the produced electricity from your PV system will firstly supply the user’s need (consumption), secondly charge the BESS and lastly supply energy to the grid. With the Peak shaving strategy doesn’t involve an internal use of the energy and you can define the operating conditions such as Grid power limit and discharging. In the Weak grid islanding strategy, you define the Grid unavailability and your storage pack is meant to fill up for the times when you have no production from your solar panel, nor power from the grid. You can read more about this in the PVsyst help in the following link: https://www.pvsyst.com/help/grid_storage.htm Or watch some of the youtube-videos we have on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PGRnnF1VuA&list=PLxdyykgAqoynTXUHWrdCxPSYLkhJ9mW7c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49d5pAV907Y&list=PLxdyykgAqoynTXUHWrdCxPSYLkhJ9mW7c&index=3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZKdz248WJQ&list=PLxdyykgAqoynTXUHWrdCxPSYLkhJ9mW7c&index=4 Regards
  8. Power sharing ensures that the power generated by each MPPT controller is efficiently distributed across the different strings or groups of panels. This prevents one string from overloading while others underperform, maintaining overall system balance and efficiency. In your case, by not ticking the alternative "Auto-equal. Pnom" you are strongly overloading the first 3 MPPT, resulting in a Pnom ratio of 2.35, and a quite low Pnom ratio of 1.18 for the remaining 9. The Pnom ratio being the ratio between the installed power of the solar panels and the inverter (usually around 1.25). In your case without activating the MPPT-feature, it is equally distributed over the MPPTs with a Pnom ratio of 1.47
  9. The warning message in orange suggests considering disabling “use multi-MPPT feature” for ensuring power sharing on each input. With all the strings being the same there is no need to activate the multi-MPPT feature and in Case 1 you risk getting overload losses if you do not define a set of subarrays where each subarray has a number of strings that is a multiple of the number of MPPTs. By activating the Power sharing and ticking the box "Auto-equal. Pnom" you should arrive at similar results as in Case -1 and the "single-line diagram" button will be activated.
  10. The warning message in orange suggests considering disabling “use multi-MPPT feature” for ensuring power sharing on each input. With all the strings being the same there is no need to activate the multi-MPPT feature. In this case, the number of inverters is 1020.3 and thus do not reflect a correctly sized system in reality. Regards
  11. Dear Pizush Shah, The PR will be lower with higher inverter losses. In Case 2, if you have created a sub-array for each MPPT, 4 sub-arrays with two strings and 8 subarrays with 1 string (or alternatively a first sub-array with 4 MPPT and 8 strings and a second sub-array with 8 MPPT and 8 strings) you correctly have a number of strings that is a multiple of the the MPPTs used. By activating the Power sharing between the sub-arrays this should lead to similar results as in Case 1. The green led will be activated if Power sharing has been correctly defined Regards
  12. Dear Afshin, For a Grid-connected system with energy storage, any excess power will be stored in the battery before supplying energy to the grid. If the battery storage is fully charged, you have the choice to inject power to the grid or not by ticking the box “Allow solar injection into the grid” in the Operating conditions box. Regards
  13. Indeed, the second screenshot indicates a Voc(-15°C) of 50.0 V, though the Internal model result tool at TOper of -15°C results in Voc of 49.6 V. On the "Basic data" page of the PV module's definition, the frame "Internal Model result tool" allows to display the main electrical characteristics under chosen operating conditions. This tool is only informative. It doesn't hold any parameter for the definition of the PV module. We will investigate the reasons behind the discrepancy and apologize for the inconvenience and confusion this is causing
  14. Dear Dotun Tokun, This can be due to a variety of reasons, and it is difficult to give a precise answer without more detailed information about your system. As a first approach, make sure that you indeed have activated the use of the bifacial model for the simulation (by clicking on “Bifacial system” button in the selection of PV module section in your system. The led should be activated if all parameters are well defined). See following link to the PVsyst help describing the bifacial system procedure: https://www.pvsyst.com/help/index.html?bifacial_procedure.htm Also verify that your input parameters are accurate, including the solar module characteristics, that the albedo values are realistic and that the spacing between the panels are sufficient for sun to reach the ground between the panels which is essential for bifacial panels to harness reflected light effectively. Regards.
  15. Dear chudy14, In the Meteo database tab you have a button “Compare meteo data”, allowing you to compare datasets. Also keep in mind that the origin of the data might vary between being a typical meteorological year (TMY), synthetic data or measured data for a specific year, this might affect the year-to-year variability. You can also find an extensive amount of help-pages with information on meteorological data sources (see link below), as well pages on the constructions of meteo-files, sources of uncertainty etc https://www.pvsyst.com/help/index.html?meteo_datasources.htm Regards.
  16. Dear rangsarit, Importing a CSV file with a 15min timestep is possible as long as you follow the required format, PVsyst will automatically convert this into hourly values for the simulation. In the case of a warning message of “Incomplete data”, it means that data is missing or cannot be read at certain time periods, but you can still run your simulation for the dates available. In the screenshot provided, it seems like your file has not been read correctly given the “Hourly User’s needs” table and the "No data" in the Preview. Please send your CSV file to support@pvsyst.com and we can try to find the problem. Regards.
  17. Dear Michalis, The strategy for Peak Shaving storage management is designed to precisely control the flow of energy injected into the grid. If your goal is to not injecting energy into the grid, you should choose another strategy such as the "self-consumption", and untick the option to "Allow solar injection into the grid". If you aim to create a system entirely independent of the grid, you should consider designing a "standalone" project.
  18. Dear Michalis Angeli, Battery OUT, inverter loss represents the losses in the inverter that is converting the energy from the battery to AC. It is probably a combination of parameters leading up to this large loss. Without more detailed information about your system, it is hard to pinpoint the exact causes. Please send your project to support@pvsyst.com if you'd like us to take a closer look. E_solar is in fact the part of the energy that is used internally, such as battery charge/discharge inefficiency, DC-AC and AC-DC conversion devices. EUnused is the energy produced that is wasted because the system does not inject energy to the grid, batteries are already fully charged and there is no self-consumption at that moment when there is production. EFrGrid is the energy from the grid needed to fulfill the users need. Regards,
  19. Dear Michalis Angeli, In a grid-connected system with self-consumption, some of the energy need will be met by energy from the systems own production, that is the “to user from solar” (the purpose of self-consumption). When the user's energy need cannot be met solar production, energy is distributed from the grid, referred to as "grid consumption" and "to user from grid" in the diagram. Conversely, when the system generates surplus energy beyond the user's needs, it is fed to the grid, referred to as "to grid" in the diagram. Consequently, the total energy output of the system combines the energy supplied to the user from solar and the energy injected into the grid. Regards,
  20. Hello Michalis, Yes that is correct, you should consider the average length of the (DC) cables in the string. The Ohmic Losses tab is divided in one section for the DC circuit (in the box with light green background colour) followed by AC losses after the inverter (in the box with a grey background colour)
  21. Dear Michalis, You can configure your array in the way that is the most optimum for your scenario. PVsyst is a simulation software that will simulate the parameters you provide and the system's dimensions and setup are ultimately your responsibility. You can see how many strings, inverters and MPPT you have in your array in the summary to the right. By default, PVsyst will suggest one string per MPPT in your case. Since you now have two strings, you correctly see in the orient distrib that you have an equally distribution of Inverter inputs in each orientation. In other words, the Inverter is evenly distributing power from both the east-facing and west-facing solar panels. This balance ensures that, for example, in the morning when only the east-facing panel is producing power, this string generates electricity while the west-facing one does not. Conversely, in the evening. However, if you were to combine these two orientations into a single string, the overall production would always be limited by the orientation with the lower power output. This would result in a suboptimal performance because the combined string's production would never reach its full potential due to the constraint imposed by the least productive orientation.
  22. Dear Shashank Sharma, P50-P90 estimations rely on yearly data. Calculating P90 for monthly values is not advised. Yearly weather data has variation (around 3-4% RMS), while monthly data can vary significantly year-to-year, leading to unreliable probability profiles for each month. You can read more about the P50-P90 evaluations in the Help in the link below: https://www.pvsyst.com/help/index.html?p50_p90evaluations.htm Regards
  23. Yes you can run your simulation.
  24. This is not an error, but the result of having only one string. Installing modules in two complete opposite orientations on the same string would result in a very suboptimal energy production, so therefor it is not implemented in PVsyst to preform such a simulation. To use the solution of power sharing with one inverter and two orientations you need to have two strings, or simulate an average of the two orientation.
  25. Panels in different orientations will produce varying amounts of electricity at different times, reducing the overall output and efficiency of the solar array. Thus, in PVsyst you cannot simulate two orientations in one string. By defining only 1 string with 12 modules, PVsyst will simulate all the modules in one direction, leaving the other direction empty, see screenshot below. This is why you have 24m2 in one direction (Fields azimuth 90) and 0m2 in the other (Fields azimuth -90). You can define the average between the two orientations or apply the configuration suggested earlier.
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