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Posts posted by dtarin

  1. I have selected module layout, and a particular attribution method. It seems that for a specific section of the array, the attribution method changes. In the image provided, the bottom 3 rows are properly filled according to the method selected. However the top 5 rows do not follow this method. I have tried it several times, regardless of which string I start on, the result is the same. What would cause this and Is there a way to make the filling method consistent? The shade scene is 5Hx6L in landscape.


  2. If I am understanding correctly, the inverter must have the MPPT share feature, and you can distribute your power that way across multiple arrays. For example, if the inverter has 8 MPPT inputs, and you enable MPPT share with two arrays, each array will get N MPPT inputs (whichever is the appropriate split). In number of inverters, you will select N. The chint inverter shown has three mppt inputs, so if I have one inverter and two arrays, I have to distribute the three inputs between them, and then press adjust to balance. Looking at the attached image with 15 MPPT inputs, I am specifying that there are 5 physical inverters (5*3) for this array.


  3. What I have done is created a ground object to reflect terrain conditions (hills, slopes, etc), and then created a zone on top. When you fill the zone with modules, they will be placed onto the ground object. You may need to select "place tables on scene". If you have certain parameters to adjust like frame size and module spacing, you will want to adjust these in hidden parameters first.
  4. Andre,

    When you say "table-module", do you mean one one module? It seems to me that when we perform detailed calculation according to module layout, it performs the calculations as if there were 3 sub-modules. Is this correct? The reason I say this is that I am working with a shade scene now, where the difference between the according to strings method (100% elec effect), and detailed calculation according to layout method is around 2.3%, which is quite significant. This is if I partition the modules as the size of 1 string, 1 in height, 18 in length. The layout is 2 modules in landscape. If I model according to strings and set the number of partitions in height to 6 (modeling the submodules), my losses are very close to what results in the detailed calculation according to module layout.

    Using version 6.49.

    So is the according to module layout the most accurate method for calculating shading losses?

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