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Error message: EPNGHeaderNotPresent - This operation is not valid because the current image contains no valid header. This is a known issue with version 7.2.4. A fix will become ready for next patch 7.2.5 in a few weeks. This crash with "EPNGHeaderNotPresent" message happens only with image files in PNG format defined for the user logo or for a client logo. Follow the temporary fix below and then reimport the logo in JPG or BMP format. Temporary fix for user logo: - Close PVsyst first (otherwise it will rewrite PVsyst.ini file) - Press the Windows key + R simultaneously, type: %LocalAppData%\PVsyst\7.2\Admin in the "Open:" box and press OK - Open the file named "PVsyst.ini" with a text editor (we advise to use Notepad++ that is free and opensource) - Find the line "[user]", in this group, find and erase the line starting with "Logo=" - Save the edited PVsyst.ini file Temporary fix for client logo: - Go to your workspace in the subfolder \ComposPV\Clients - Find the client .CLT file that contains a .PNG defined as logo - Erase the line starting with "Logo=" - Save the edited .CLT file
License activation error on a Virtual Machine
Nils Lang replied to Nils Lang's topic in Installation and use of PVsyst
PVsyst cannot run in licensed mode on system that provide a hard disk identifier that change on each reboot. We have already observed such issues on WMware virtual machines that have only SCSI hard drives. Adding a virtual IDE or SATA hard drives on such machines will add a hard disk identifier that does not change on each reboot. This will allow PVsyst to run in licensed mode. Please do the following actions to solve this issue: 1. Add a new virtual hard disk of type IDE on your virtual machine 2. Verify that you have now a stable hard disk identifier: https://forum.pvsyst.com/topic/1005-license-activation-error-on-a-virtual-machine/?do=findComment&comment=3001 3. If your license is already activated, ask PVsyst Support to deactivate it 4. Activate your license. -
PVsyst interactive map is working with the help of an external provider of interactive map (which is OpenStreetMap since version 6.7.7 and was Google in older version). Since August 2020, this provider has updated the communication protocol on their interactive map servers resulting in PVsyst Interactive Map not working anymore on all versions published before August 2020. All PVsyst versions older than 7.0.7 and 6.8.8 are impacted. You have several options to solve this problem depending on your current status: 1. If you are already using PVsyst V7 then use menu to download and install the latest V7 patch. You can use menu to verify that your version is equal or newer than v7.0.7. Note that we highly recommend that you enable the option so you always use PVsyst V7 with the latest patch 2. If you are still using V6 then we recommend that you update to PVsyst v7.0 but this update will involve to buy a new license. You can download this new version from our website using the following link: https://www.pvsyst.com/download-PVsyst/ Note that you don’t have to uninstall V6. You can use both versions in parallel. 3. Alternatively, you can update to v6.8.8 4. Use the interactive map directly from your favourite Internet Browser and enter your coordinates in PVsyst manually. This procedure is documented in the following links: Video: FAQ: https://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1934&p=6532&hilit=map#p6532
A transfer of PVsyst license for exemple from your old machine to your new machine is an operation that should be performed with care strictly following each step and providing correct information (all characters of your license key and customer ID). These information are available on the email from PVsyst Admin that followed the order of the license. All the steps of a license transfer are documented in the following Video: Here is the corresponding Video in case you are still using V6: Important note in case you are using V7 and V6: you have to transfer each license independently. You have to complete the transfer using PVsyst V7 then do the transfer again using PVsyst V6. You should not mix the two versions. For exemple, the transfer will fail if you start it on your old machine using V6 and complete it on your new machine using V7.
Since v6.7.7, PVsyst is using a new interactive map using "OpenStreetMap" and "Geonames" web services and "OpenLayers" protocol. This new interactive map provide the same functionalities as the GoogleMap used in previous versions except two limitations of the "search" function: 1) You cannot enter coordinates - we have reintroduced this feature in version 6.7.8 2) You cannot enter street address. If you have already the coordinates of the desired location then you can enter them directly in the "Geographical Coordinates" tab. The new button "Get from Coordinates" allow to fill automatically the other fields like the location and the timezone. You can find more details about the search format by going directly to the web site of the web service provider we use now for the search function (GeoNames): https://www.geonames.org/ If you are using a version of PVsyst older than 6.7.7 then please read the following post: https://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3916
If you already have the site coordinates then the interactive map is useless. You can directly select the tab, enter your coordinates and use the button.
If you already have the site coordinates then the interactive map is useless. You can directly select the tab, enter your coordinates and use the button.
How to get a previous version of PVsyst ?
Nils Lang replied to André Mermoud's topic in Installation and use of PVsyst
Here is a link to our website where the list of PVsyst versions included in your license is available once you entered your license activation key: https://www.pvsyst.com/previous-versions -
Since December the 4th, Google has stopped their free access to the "Googlemap" API resulting in PVsyst Interactive Map not working anymore. All PVsyst versions older than 6.7.7 are impacted. You have two options to solve this problem: 1) Update PVsyst to version 6.7.7 or later. A new map (OpenStreetMap) and a new protocol (OpenLayers) is available from this new version: https://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4125 2) Use an interactive map directly from your favorite Internet Browser and enter your coordinates in PVsyst manually: Video: FAQ: https://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1934&p=6532&hilit=map#p6532
In case you have already updated to v6.7.4 and you observe a license error (bad host id), here is a procedure to recover from this error: 1. Install PVsyst v6.7.3 from https://www.pvsyst.com/previous-versions 2. Start PVsyst v6.7.3 and synchronize your license using menu and button 3. Install PVsyst v6.7.4 4. Start PVsyst v6.7.4 and synchronize your license again.
One possible explanation is that it was not possible to import your logo file in your workspace. This can happen if your workspace is in a network location where you don't have write access. If you have write access to your workspace then please email us (support@pvsyst.com) your PVsyst log files, your logo file and your project file so we can investigate further. Note that you can easily export PVsyst log files using menu and project using .
The "user data error" arise when the path to your workspace is not properly defined. Please Switch to/Create/Import a valid user workspace. You can find more detailed information in PVsyst help using the '?' button.
License activation error on a Virtual Machine
Nils Lang replied to Nils Lang's topic in Installation and use of PVsyst
How to verify that your computer provide a hard disk identifier: Before you activate your license, you can verify with PVsyst weather your computer provides a hard disk identifier by doing the following: 1. Run PVsyst and open the license menu 2. Open the synchronize dialog and check content of external synchronization step 2 box. The string following 'HARDDISK=' should contain a hard disk identifier. Please refer to your virtual PC software documentation on how to configure it in order to provide a hard disk identifier. -
Please note that the Interactive map is an additionnal feature but it does not stop PVsyst from working properly. If you still have issues after trying the below procedure, you can use Google Maps directly from your web browser (at https://maps.google.com/) and insert your geographical coordinates (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) manually in PVsyst using the Geographical Coordinates tab:
I cannot use Acrobat for creating PDF
Nils Lang replied to André Mermoud's topic in Installation and use of PVsyst
Note that installation and configuration of PDF Creator is thoroughly documented in PVsyst help under < Technical aspects > < Printing > < PDF file generation >. -
The easiest way to update is to use the "New PVsyst release available" button (see the attached screen capture) and follow the instruction to download and install the new version: Note that you have to wait a few seconds before this button appears on the main dialog. This method is recommended for the licensed users because it automatically takes care of the end of your support period. You get then clear information on PVsyst last available version and last available licensed version. In the example below, my update support has expired before v6.4.4 was released so v6.4.3 is the last version I can use in licensed mode: Note that you can access more detailed information about updating software in PVsyst help using the help button: ? If you wish to subscribe to an additional year of update support, please register your order on our web site at https://www.pvsyst.com/shop-prices/ If your support has expired and you wish to evaluate the latest available PVsyst version then download manually the latest version of PVsyst directly from our web site: https://www.pvsyst.com/download-PVsyst/ and select the Parallel Install option during installation so you can still work with the old version:
The most common cause for this error is that your Internet access settings (Anti Virus, Firewall or Proxy) prevent PVsyst from accessing our server directly. For instructions on allowing access, consult your network administrator or your Anti Virus, Firewall or Proxy documentation. Another alternative is to use our external activation procedure. This procedure is documented in PVsyst help or in our tutorials:
You should check first that you have strictly followed each of the three steps of external activation. Here is a link to our tutorials. One of them explains step by step how to perform an external license activation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMzsEWHk3f7XD_dg1lngmzg If your usage rights are still not updated then email your PVsyst log files to support@pvsyst.com. Note that you can easily export them using PVsyst menu .
This error can also arise when printing a PDF. The first thing to check is to verify that PDF Creator Version 1.7.3 is installed and configured as described in PVsyst help in Technical aspects > Printing > PDF file generation. The second check is to make sure you have selected "PDFCreator" Printer in PVsyst Print Setup and that Printer "PDFCreator" is listed in your Windows printers as showed in the attached screen captures: Finally, if your PDF printer is correctly selected then check your Windows printer configuration. Here is a link to Microsoft support article related to this error: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/223421
PVsyst allows to import projects or components directly from another workspace. This feature is particularly useful if you have multiple workspaces and you want to merge them in one. Note that you have to merge them two by two. How to proceed: - PVsyst menu allows to open the Import PVsyst projects and components dialog - Then the button allows to specify the workspace (\PVsyst640_Data\) you want to import from. The content of this workspace appears on left side - Note that the content of your current/local workspace appears on the right side - Note also that you can find detailed information on this dialog in PVsyst help either directly by using the help button (?) or after opening PVsyst help by navigating to: Technical aspects > File organisation > User data > Projects and PV components >
Solution using Windows Update The easiest way to fix this issue is to update your operating system using "Windows Update" and to make sure that you have the latest Service Pack installed. This operation will automatically install the latest certificates that are required to run PVsyst. If you still have troubles then you should check the certificate properties of PVsyst application (file PVsyst6.exe located by default in C:\program files (x86)\PVsyst6.X.X\). The content should be similar to the screen capture attached: In case of error, you can use the button that appears in this dialog to manually install the missing certificates.
Installation directory must be on a local hard drive
Nils Lang replied to tranterengineering's topic in Problems / Bugs
Please check the points of the following list: 1. If your PVsyst installer is located on a network drive then copy it first on a local drive 2. Check that you have enough free space remaining on your hard drive 2. You need to have Windows Admin rights 3. Your download of PVsyst v6.x.x may have failed. Check that the file size is greater than 100'000 Ko (for PVsyst 6.3.5 and later) and eventually download it again 4. You may have another installation of PVsyst already running. In this case, the solution is to restart your PC and install PVsyst again. 5. Make sure you don't have another MSI based installer running at the same time (close the other applications running then look in Task Manager for "msiexec.exe") 6. Run PVsyst installer as administrator (from a command prompt launched as administrator) 7. Make sure your computer operating system is up-to-date using Windows Update 8. Perform a silent installation using msiexec.exe with option /i and /qn. More details are available in our FAQ: http://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1961&hilit=msi. -
In fact, we have not added new possibilities to control PVsyst from a script but removed a limitation. From v6.40, it's possible to start PVsyst from an external script using any Windows Working Directory. You can for example define a Windows shortcut to start PVsyst and place it anywhere.