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Bruno Wittmer

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Everything posted by Bruno Wittmer

  1. This error was introduced by accident in PVsyst V5.72. It has been corrected for V5.73, which has been released today (31.01.2014).
  2. Could you please check the paper size that is used? The report in your screenshot should fit on an A4 or Letter page.
  3. Did you try the following recipe from the FAQ section? http://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=92
  4. This limitation has now been removed. You can enter any keyword and the engine will look for it in the forum. If you obtain too many matches you can refine your query by searching only in the results.
  5. There is a tutorial describing how to import meteorological data from ASCVII files. You can get it from: - PVsyst website http://www.pvsyst.com/images/pdf/PVsyst_Tutorials.pdf or (since PVsyst V6.13) from: - PVsyst main window 'Help -> Tutorials' - PVsyst online help 'Overview -> Tutorials' Please refer also to the following entries in the Howto section: How to get my own meteo data in PVsyst ?http://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=16 Can I import POA measurements ?http://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=17#p17 In the PVsyst online help please read the section 'Meteorological Data -> Import of hourly data ASCII files'
  6. This kind of table is now implemented in the next PVsyst Version 6.18.
  7. PVsyst does not foresee to produce directly tables with hourly values of the 'average' day for each month. If you want to create such a table, you need to create a table with hourly values for all the days of a year and export it to some calculation software (e.g. MS Excel) where you can perform the monthly averaging for each hour of the day. The procedure is the following: In the simulation dialog, before you start the simulation, you have a button named 'Output File'. Here you can select with much detail what kind of values you want to save, in which kind of format and specify an ouput filename. In your case you would want to select 'hourly values' and include 'Energy injected into grid' in the list of variables. The values will be saved as comma-separated values (CSV), which you can easily import into many analysis software packages.
  8. Thank you for reporting the bug. It has been fixed for the next Version.
  9. You can install a newer Version of PVsyst in parallel to an existing one. The insallation wizard will ask you, if you would like to keep the old version in parallel or if you want to remove it. Generally it is good practice to do the parallel installation, and delete the older version when you are sure the new one is working properly. If you want to go the other way round, installing an old version in parallel to a newer one, this works as well. I warmly recommend you though, to make a strict separation of workspaces if you work regularly with two different versions of PVsyst. The projects and databases are always backward compatible, but once you have saved a project, a PV module specification, a 3D scene, etc. in a newer version, you will most probably be unable to open it again in the old version. Bruno Wittmer
  10. The financial balance doesn't make sense without defining the investment of your installation of course. To get the button active, the energy cost should have a realistic value. You should at least specify the cost of the PV modules and the inverter. Once this is defined, you can click on the "Financial Balance" button, to get to the dialog "Tarification and Long Term Financial Balance". Here the checkboxes on the top allow you to specify very detailed scenarios for varying FITs.
  11. I tried to reproduce your problem and here is what I found: 1. The message about the insufficient area is indeed unnecessary if you have not defined a near shading scene, we will remove it. 2. About the performance ratio: There is a bug in Version 6.14 that causes an erroneous display of the simulation main results in the main results dialog. Please check what the report is stating as results, this should be the correct values. If you see also weird figures in the report, please send me your project ( Bruno.Wittmer@pvsyst.com ) so I can have a look at it, the test I did showed PR 54% in the result dialog, but 81% in the report, which is fine. This bug is fixed in Version 6.15, to be released today.
  12. The bug has been fixed for the next Version V6_15. The values in the report are correct. Thank you for reporting the bug.
  13. Hello, Are you able to save the scene? If so, could you please send me the file (Bruno.Wittmer@pvsyst.com)? Best regards, BW
  14. Problem was not reproducible. Closing the topic until further notice.
  15. Hello Mark, one way to do it is to create the handrail as a composed object. You choose an azimuth of 90° for the handrail inside the composed object. When you now "close and integrate" the composed object, the tilt you choose for positioning it in the main scene will tilt the handrail along the good direction as shown in the screenshot. This solution has two limitations: 1. You cannot group the handrail with the roof, so you have to figure out how to position the handrail in the main scene , so that it matches the inclination and orientation of the roof. 2. The vertical poles of the handrail will also be tilted. If this is not too much of a limitation for you, this should do the job. Best regards, Bruno Tilted handrail
  16. The Performance Ratio PR does not depend on either the module area or the cell area. The only module (or array) -specific information that is needed to calculate the PR, is the nominal power of the module or array, as specified by the manufacturer. See also the following link: How is calculated the PR (Performance Ratio) ?
  17. Hello, you might want to have a closer look at the International Standard IEC 61724 "Photovoltaic system performance monitoring - Guidelines for measurement, data exchange and analysis". You will find there useful information on monitoring the irradiance. The sampling interval for the irradiance is specified to be 1 min. or less, so I would say you sampling interval of 15 min. is too large. The standard also explains how to integrate or average your data according to the sensor and value you are measuring. If you want to measure hourly data that you want to import in PVsyst, the values should be representative for the hour that follows the time label. If for example you measure a value for 15:00, it should reflect the data from 15:00 to 16:00. For minimizimg your statistical errors, you need to keep the sampling interval small. To keep systematic errors small you should carefully calibrate your sensors and measure at a place that is representative for your whole array. If you can afford a redundant measurement this will also reduce the uncertainties. The standard also gives guidelines on how to check the quality of your measured data.
  18. Dear nick, the export to clipboard functionality has some size restrictions that were important for some very old MS Windows versions. To get around this limitation you can export to files instead of the clipboard. I have just tried it for PVsyst 6.12 and it did work for the following two cases: Beginning date 01/01/13 12h00, Time Step 1 day: produces a file with a table for the whole year with values at 12h00 for each day. Beginning date 01/01/13 . Time Step 1 hour: Produces a file with a table for one month with values for every hour. The interface is not very user-friendly, PVsyst is not always keeping my last choices in memory. Especially the time ranges when generating the table and when exporting(!) are jumping back to default values, so please pay a lot of attention to these fields when exporting your files. I guess this part needs some cleanup for one of the next releases.
  19. Dear nick, you can do this by selecting "Tools" in the Main Window and then "Table/graphs of solar parameters". Choose the location for which you want to generate the data. Go to the tab "Tables" and select "Sun's Height" from the list of variables. Choose a Beginning Date (for example 01/01/13 12h00). Choose as time step of 1 day and click on "Table". You will get the table with H Sol at 12h00 for each day of the year. You can export the table to the clipboard or a file. Note that if you want to get hourly values, the size limit for the table is one month, so if you want hourly values for the whole year you have to generate the tables for all 12 months separately. Best regards, Bruno
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