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Lazare Fesnien

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Everything posted by Lazare Fesnien

  1. Hi, Stand-alone systems are always organized around a battery storage: - a PV array charges the battery or directly delivers its power to the user. - the user's needs (consumption) should be well defined, with its daily profile (i.e. in hourly values). At each hour, the simulation performs a balance between the PV production (depending on the irradiance) and the user's needs. The difference should be derived in the battery, either positively (charge) or negatively (discharge). This energy balance is controlled by a controller. The role of the controller is to handle the energy flux, mainly for the protection of the battery: - When the battery is full, the PV array should be disconnected. - When the battery is empty, the user should be disconnected. Stand alone systems in PVsyst don't yet allow multiple orientations to be defined. In this case, you can simulate via Grid Connected system by putting a load profile and Storage (battery). We update the database using the requests of the manufacturers, and publish it with each new issue of PVsyst. We can't of course follow all the new products of all manufacturers in the world. We don't want to include data without the acknowledgement of the manufacturer. Nevertheless you can easily create your own components by yourself. The easiest way is to choose a similar existing device in the database, modify its parameters according to the manufacturer's datasheets, and save it under a new name, therefore creating a new file in your database. You have a tutorial for that on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PVsystTutos, page Component database
  2. Hi, The ohmic resistance of the wiring circuit induces losses ( ELoss = Rw · I² ) between the power available from the modules and the power at the terminals of the sub-array. The relevant parameter for the simulation is the Rw value, which is an equivalent resistance of the wires, as "seen" from the input of the global sub-array (i.e. the set of MPPT inputs defined in this sub-array). You should define one Rw value for each sub-array in your system. Please read : https://www.pvsyst.com/help/ohmic_loss.htm Basically, the AC wiring losses are calculated from the resistivity, i.e. the wire lenght, section and metal. During simulation, at each time step, the power loss is calculated as NWire * Rwire · I². However in practice, as a first step of the design, people often use the relative ohmic loss. This relative loss should be referred to a specified Power. Please read : https://www.pvsyst.com/help/external_transformer_loss.htm?zoom_highlightsub=external+transformer Thank you for your questions, if you still have some, don't hesitate to ask us.
  3. We update the database using the requests of the manufacturers, and publish it with each new issue of PVsyst. We can't of course follow all the new products of all manufacturers in the world. We don't want to include data without the acknowledgement of the manufacturer. Nevertheless you can easily create your own components by yourself. The easiest way is to choose a similar existing device in the database, modify its parameters according to the manufacturer's datasheets, and save it under a new name, therefore creating a new file in your database. You have a tutorial for that on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PVsystTutos, page Component database Regards,
  4. Hi, Our communication languages are French and English, please rewrit your question Regards
  5. Hi, This aging option for stand alone systems is currently disabled. The calculation of the battery degradation needs to be refined. We have re-enabled this feature with the new calculation for an upcoming major release.
  6. Hi, Are you on grid connected system ? This isn't normal, did you run the simulation correctly ?
  7. Hi, The "comparisons" functionality is only available from the main PVsyst window, by clicking on the "Measured Data" tab This feature allows you to compare the PVsyst simulation to the data measured on site : A demo project is available to take control of this tool "Grid N13 Motorway Domat/Ems power plant"
  8. Hi, No, at the moment, this functionality is not yet available. Thank you for your feedback, we will pass this information on to our colleagues
  9. Hi, The "Balance Carbon" tool has been disabled for StandAlone Systems. This tool is being maintained and improved for OFF Grid Systems
  10. Indeed, we will look to shift the editing limit of posts. Thank you for your feedback
  11. Hi, You can edit your posts by clicking on the three small dots at the top right of the post. Indeed for the moment, the preview option is not available but we are raising this request in order to add it as possible Regards
  12. Hi, This component has been defined directly by the manufacturer "SMA". It is also possible that the technical data sheet is more recent and therefore slightly different from the original product.
  13. PVsyst was present at the PEARLPV conference in the Netherlands. PEARLPV Overview : PEARLPV Homepage Program PVsyst Presentation : Overview of PVsyst capabilities to simulate different kind of PV systems. Stress the possibility to export simulation results for deeper analysis. Show tools for batch mode and comparison with measured data. Present publications of model validation. Mention plans to measure systems and do validations with the data Outline : Introduction System type: Grid-connected / Standalone / Pumping System size: Residential / Commercial / Utility Ground-based systems (including trackers and topology) Bifacial Systems Self-consumption and storage Simulation details (detailed losses, energy management, ageing) Electrical shading losses multi-MPPT and power optimizer Simulation results and batch mode Comparison with measured data (including validation analysis)
  14. Hi, We update the database using the requests of the manufacturers, and publish it with each new issue of PVsyst. We can't of course follow all the new products of all manufacturers in the world. We don't want to include data without the acknowledgement of the manufacturer. Nevertheless you can easily create your own components by yourself. The easiest way is to choose a similar existing device in the database, modify its parameters according to the manufacturer's datasheets, and save it under a new name, therefore creating a new file in your database. You have a tutorial for that on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PVsystTutos, page Component database
  15. Hi, You have not used the same PV module in both versions: V 6.85: PAN file named "Canadian_CS3W_405P_1500V.PANHE.PAN", which is a custom PAN file V 7.2.12: PAN file named "Canadian_CS3W_405P_1500VHE.PAN", which is in the database.
  16. Hi, The Current/voltage of the Array is not a basic variable of the simulation, as it is not related to the energy production. We don't look at it in detail. Please send me you full project, elaborated in the V 6.86. by using "Files > Export Projects" in the main menu. NB: When you talk about differences of 3%, is it the average over the year, or "up to 3%" for some hourly values ?
  17. Dear Marco, This diagram represents the energy flows over an entire year. At the top of the diagram, you can click on the "monthly" button to view the energy balance month by month. There is no "magic formula" to find "the" right solution. It's a question of balance between the financial budget, the production but also the lack of energy. If your object is to reduce the lack of energy, you will have to oversize your system a little, in this case, you will have a loss named "battery full" Please read : https://www.pvsyst.com/help/standalone_description.htm?zoom_highlightsub=stand+alone
  18. Hi, Thank you for your feedback. The information has been forwarded the the team in order to resolve this issue
  19. Dear everyone, Theoretical and practical videos on the use of PVsyst version 7.2 are freely available here: https://vimeo.com/pvsyst We hope you will enjoy them!
  20. Hi, For the moment no, PVsyst does not allow to simulate a string composed of several types of PV module. A string must consist of only one type of PV module. The sub-array method allows you to simulate your installation with different characteristics of the PV module connected to the same inverter (see Power Sharing)
  21. Hi, To better understand the different losses in an inverter, please read: https://www.pvsyst.com/help/inverter_operating_limits.htm Regards,
  22. Hi, Most of the parameters are from datasheets. Some few parameters are not mentioned on the datasheets, and have to be evaluated. The main "uncertain" parameters (not on the datasheets) are the Rserie and Rshunt. These values determine the low-light performance of the PV module (relative efficiency as a function of irradiance, with respect to STC efficiency). If we have independently measured data (provided by some few manufacturers), we can adjust the resistances values as function of the measurements. Otherwise PVsyst chooses a "default" value, fixed now at -3% @ 200 W/m2, which is close (or slightly below) the performance of most measurements we had received. The problem is now that with modules of very recent technologies, the Series resistance is optimized (has a lower value), which produces a lower low-light performance. So that with the default of -3%, PVsyst may have over-evaluated performances with respect to the reality. We have valid low-light measurements from about 20 to 25 manufacturers. But not for all their production, just some few (usually rather old) models. The measurements received during the last 2-3 years are very scarce. Many manufacturers now provide the PAN files by themselves to the final users. So that they can put the "uncertain" parameters as they like (usually for boosting the performances). This is for the series resistance, but also for the IAM performance. Many manufacturers propose measurements which are – to our mind – completely irrealistic. See our FAQ : https://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2690
  23. Hi, Indeed, you are right. We have reorganized ourselves internally in order to be able to answer questions pending on the forum. hoping that the answers we bring you will help you in your simulations
  24. Hi, If the open circuit voltage is dependent on the temperature, there may also be an efficiency deficit when the temperature at discharging time is lower than the temperature when charging. This could be the case for an electric car in cold climates. In static solar systems, the battery bank is usually at a relatively stable temperature (indoor). Finally we should have: Battery efficiency = Coulombic efficiency * Ohmic efficiency * Temperature efficiency
  25. Hi, Five parameters not defined from the datasheets are used in the one-diode model (as modified by PVsyst): Rserie, Rshunt, RshExp, Rsh(0) and Gamma (diode ideality factor). The main modification of PVsyst to the standard model is the exponential behaviour of the Rshunt value acc. to the irradiance. PVsyst fixes some default values: RshExp = -5.5 seems a very stable parameter, established on our long-term measured data at sun (direct measurement of the Rshunt as the slope of the I/V curve around V = 0), valid for any technology. Rhsunt = "reasonable hypothesis" of PVsyst, established acc. to Imp/Isc at Vmpp. This doesn't have a high impact with crystalline modules. RSh(0) = 12 * Rshunt for most technologies, was diminished for crystalline but seems indeed to be of the order of 10. This ratio is also fixed for default values. Now remains Rserie, and the closely related Gamma value. This is determined according to the low-light efficiency curve at 25°C. If we avail of IEC 61853 measurements, the value is set for matching these measurements. If not, we fix a low-light relative efficiency = -3% @ 200 W/m2. Sometimes this value cannot be reached by the model. In these case we increase the RShunt value, which allows higher Rseries and therefore higher low-light efficiencies.
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