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  1. Hi dear PVsyst, I have a problem with using proxy server of our company. In the proxy server we allow the outgoing requests from PVsyst: as you say in previosly messages, but some functions it doesnt work properly. I mean online map, pls see below screenshot, means that I can found coordinates, but online map not show digital pictures of the map. Please could you help to fix this problem, what our IT company can do? Or maybe in future you will update current version of soft and this problem will be fixed.
  2. Hello Dear PVsyst Team. I faced with the same problem and I have PVsyst version 6.86. And again I cant download meteo data from PVGIS. I have message PVGIS don't have irradiation data for your latitude and longitude. What is this problem? why is this happen?
  3. Hello dear PVsyst. I have the same problem with crash Shading Scene Construction. My project is very big 361MW, it is about 600 hectares. 42 840 strings with 30 modules in one string When I do Shadings Animation I get bug report: date/time : 2018-01-11, 13:53:28, 662ms computer name : W1041-CZC724BC6 user name : makarevichvm registered owner : Пользователь Windows operating system : Windows 10 x64 build 16299 system language : Ukrainian system up time : 5 hours 14 minutes program up time : 6 minutes 29 seconds processors : 8x Intel® Core i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz physical memory : 26669/32647 MB (free/total) free disk space : (C:) 178,93 GB display mode : 1600x900, 32 bit process id : $2128 allocated memory : 1,50 GB largest free block : 3,25 MB executable : Pvsyst6.exe exec. date/time : 2017-11-16 16:45 version : compiled with : Delphi 10.2 Tokyo madExcept version : 4.0.18 activation key : c786b354f9244c38abede5b1a9accb25 (end of support: 09.01.2019) release date : 16.11.2017 contact name : Makarevich Vladimir contact email : makarevichvm@dtek.com callstack crc : $0040ea9d, $08748426, $08748426 exception number : 3 exception class : EOutOfMemory exception message : Mémoire insuffisante. How to fix this bug?
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