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Getting error when trying to import Standard weather data file

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When I tried to import standard format CSV file into PVsyst, I'm getting the following error.image.thumb.png.a958a8a2121f634b5d5da5ea295d2c17.png

Not sure what is the issue with my file. I'm saving the excel file as .CSV by using the save as option CSV(MS-DOS).



Hi Linda,

Actually after deleting all the commons at the end of the CSV file, I was able to create .MET file. 

When I check the graphs of the data versus clear day model. I have best clear days ktcc within 10%, not every day is in within 5% as suggested in Weather data Note 6, I'm wondering if I can still use those days with a ktcc index higher than 5%? I'm also attaching the all other 3 graphs for reference. 


best clear days ktcs.png

monthly best clear days.png

Hourly Kt mornig_afternoon.png



It's difficult to say whether it's useable or not, there could be some cloud enhancement effect for example. Some locations also have higher extreme Ktcc values. But at the very least, it raises the question of the calibration of your sensors. If possible, I would suggest looking at possible problems on the hardware and data collection side.

But before this, I would suggest correcting the time shift (as noted 61 minutes of time shift are found) directly in the file. As noted here:
you can use the tags: “#Hour Shift;" and “#Time Shift;” to apply the time shift when importing. This may improve the results of the import.

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