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How have you imported this weather file, where is your site and what version of PVsyst are you using?
In general, if you try to import Meteonorm data directly in your project, or as a known format this shouldn't be an issue.  

If the file is imported as a custom file, a time shift can be added in the Date tab. The denomination of a given time interval in PVsyst is always defined as the beginning of this of this interval, contrary to Meteonorm where it is in the end of the interval. Perhaps the issue could also be if you are in-between two time-zones. 

If you don't find the source of the issue, please send your project/ site and weather data to support@pvsyst.com and we can have a closer look at it.

Kind regards





I'm getting a similar error.  I am importing a file from NREL.  I'm using version 8.0.  153 seems like a strange amount to be off.  

There is no "date tab" that I can see in the raw data file.  



Also, I can take the -153 minutes out of this screen but if I click "Save", it just reverts back.  




Any suggestions?  The NREL file looks normal and I've downloaded 3 separate files and they all throw an error like this.  



How have you imported this weather file? through the project window, known format or a custom file? where is your site?

If there is a time shift you are recommended to re-import this file and include a time shift in the Date tab (if imported as a custom file, though Meteonorm data and NREL data can be imported with correct format for your site automatically normally if imported directly from the Project window, or as a known format 


If you have imported your file from the project window or as a known format, please send us your project to support@opvsyst.com and we can review the issue in further detail. 

Kind regards 


Hi Linda,

Here is how I have been doing it.  This is the very first step I take when I start each project so there is nothing else in the project file yet.  

Click on Known Format below:


Click on "Choose" below:


Select file from NREL:




File looks like this:



Enter site name, select country, click "Get From Coordinates", click "Import".




Then this file is created.  Which has the offset:



This process was working.  Would you suggest something different?


Hello Jig,

Indeed your workflow is correct and it is not clear to me what the issue could be, if it is possibly the datafile that is strange our something in the PVsyst reading of it. I note that there is no time zone value (though a local time) in your file. If you add the correct time zone in the data file, does in affect the .MET file? 

If you look at the Monthly best clear days graph, do they look correct and correspond to the values in the data file?

Can you please send us your specific data file to support@pvsyst.com and we can analyze this in more detail.

Kind regards


Hi Linda,

I'm not sure how to add a time zone to the datafile in a fashion that would be read by the software.  I'll go ahead and email the data file to support@pvsyst.com and reference this thread.  





There is a problem with the known format import function in PVsyst, and with the “Convert UTC to local time” in the NSRDB viewer..
The former has an issue recognizing files that are in UTC format, it needs files defined in local time. This would be easily fixed by using the “convert UTC to Local Time” functionality, but it doesn't work, unfortunately.

What you can do

As Linda mentioned above, you can still use the custom format import, I checked that it does indeed work. We will send you an example MEF (the conversion protocol) that should work. We will be looking into fixing this bug.

  • 2 months later...

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