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How to avoid getting consumption/negatives in 8760


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I am generating an 8760 and would like for it to only include positive generation values (no consumption during night time hours for any reason). I have turned off the auxiliary losses all together, but I am still getting negatives. What other losses are causing these negative values? Is there any way that I can avoid having any negative values all together?



Ideally, I would like to 8760 to reflect generation losses due to daytime auxiliary losses (or any losses that are a result of using the sites own power production to cover electricity needs), but i do not have to reflect losses due to pulling electricity from the grid. Is this possible? 

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If you have defined a transformer that is not disconnected during the night, the negative values could possible come from the Transformer losses. Transformers have a constant iron loss, even if no energy is being produced. To avoid this, you need to enable 'Night Disconnect', in the Ohmic Losses window.

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