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Net Billing


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After searching quite long, i cannot figure out if there is the possibility to study and evaluate systems under the condition of net billing. Sepcifically we are talking about self consumption systems, but the excess of energy is stored and sold to the network in a daily basis.

The tricky part here, is that we need to focus and evaluate the system in a daily basis in order to maximise the silmutaneous production and consumption (meaning it is a good exercise for cost..)

I can upload to pv syst not only the prices of the equipemnt but also the energy consumption per hour.

Can you please guide me how can i Set a system like that or even better if there some video tutorials?

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In PVsyst it is possible to define an hourly self-consumption profile and in the economic evaluation you can also define precise tariffs for electricity sale as well as calculating the gain from self-consuming compared to grid consumption. I link 2 video tutorials below.

A large enough system will fulfill the energy need by day, as well as injecting the excess energy into the grid. For example, below you see the loss diagram for the DEMO Residential system at Geneva variant VC4 : The result is divided in to user from grid, to user from solar and to grid. 


You can also include a battery storage solution to increase the self-consumption, though it is not yet possible to inject energy stored in the batteries to the grid (unless you use the peak shaving strategy, that can not be combined with a self-consumption profile)

In the Advanced Simulation window, you can then create an Output file with all the relevant parameters for your project in Daily or Hourly timesteps.

I hope this helps to get started with your Net billing project,

Kind regards



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