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4 sided-roof model feature manual

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Hello PVSyst team,


I'm trying to describe range of mountain with theimage.thumb.png.9cefef2b51e0ee21b7ac902152cfc971.png

So I can model mountain with the width & height.

But to design degree(tilt) of the mountain with this element 4sided root,


I was wondered the red box i remarked in the file i attached,


I think the tilt degree is the tilt for diagonal direction based.

I understand and what is the under box feature that then?


Can you tell me what is this purpose for?

I tried write numbers there but nothing changed so, I don't know how to use this option.


Thank you.


Dear Swonno,

The field you mentioned with the red box is actually a display error in PVsyst, this field and its value are not used to model the 4-sided roof.

I suggest you to use the three red squares in the 3D view to manually design the object in order to check to which property of the roof correspond each field:



Please note that you will have to transform your roof to a ground object in order to be interpreted as a mountain:


However, please note that the method of using a roof object to design the mountain is not the most appropriate one in PVsyst.

You can use one of the import procedures described in the links below to import a topology from Google Earth or Sketchup:



You can also directly create a ground object in PVsyst without going through the roof creation stage:


The ground object creation and modification is described here: https://www.pvsyst.com/help/ground_objects.htm





On 4/11/2024 at 4:51 PM, Hizir Apaydin said:

Dear Swonno,

The field you mentioned with the red box is actually a display error in PVsyst, this field and its value are not used to model the 4-sided roof.

I suggest you to use the three red squares in the 3D view to manually design the object in order to check to which property of the roof correspond each field:



Please note that you will have to transform your roof to a ground object in order to be interpreted as a mountain:


However, please note that the method of using a roof object to design the mountain is not the most appropriate one in PVsyst.

You can use one of the import procedures described in the links below to import a topology from Google Earth or Sketchup:



You can also directly create a ground object in PVsyst without going through the roof creation stage:


The ground object creation and modification is described here: https://www.pvsyst.com/help/ground_objects.htm





This is really helpful. I really appreciate it! 

Thank you very much! but also Thank you for the tips for designing mountain too!

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Dear Hizir Apaydin

Hello, I really appreciate that you shared how to import topography with Google earth.


I think it is based on excel file, 



This is the excel file that i got from Google Earth. But comparing with the manual post , I can see the differences between it and mine.


I removed any other column and imported into PVSyst. But did'nt work. I think I need x,y,z basis column data but somewhere 

i think it was stucked and worked in a wrong way. I think the column value has to be differed but I don't know how to do.

If you have an idea please let me know.

Thank you for attention on this issue. 


Edited by Swonno

@Hizir Apaydin

and sorry for many questions.

I'd like to check this is right clearly.


in the manual importing topography, in google earth, 

not drwaing lines in only edges but all the inside areas as many points as possible right?


this is the business project site that i'm reviewing. so is it okay like this?


5 hours ago, Swonno said:

Dear Hizir Apaydin

Hello, I really appreciate that you shared how to import topography with Google earth.


I think it is based on excel file, 



This is the excel file that i got from Google Earth. But comparing with the manual post , I can see the differences between it and mine.


I removed any other column and imported into PVSyst. But did'nt work. I think I need x,y,z basis column data but somewhere 

i think it was stucked and worked in a wrong way. I think the column value has to be differed but I don't know how to do.

If you have an idea please let me know.

Thank you for attention on this issue. 


Dear Swonno,

UTM coordinates are missing in your file, you have to include them as indicated in the procedure: https://forum.pvsyst.com/topic/3209-how-to-import-a-ground-topography-from-googleearth/#comment-8773



Then you have to remove type, latitude, longitude, utm_zone columns:




Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Hizir Apaydin said:

Dear Swonno,

UTM coordinates are missing in your file, you have to include them as indicated in the procedure: https://forum.pvsyst.com/topic/3209-how-to-import-a-ground-topography-from-googleearth/#comment-8773



Then you have to remove type, latitude, longitude, utm_zone columns:




Good morning Hizir Apaydin

Thank you for your help many time. I think I success to import topography csv file into PVSyst near shading.

So at this stage, Would you mind if i have another questino? I'm sorry to bother you.


Q1. I'm checking generaiton hour and those tophography affect to generation hour? or it is just for notifying the mountain range or just view purpose?

and if it affects to the generation hour result, It is effecting as a near shading? 

(because I'm adjusting far shading now by Horizon optional feature)



Q2. ground object is working differently in the shading effect? for example, if i don't change to ground object from building object that PVSyst offers,

It is not working as a shading purpose? Could you explain the different effect as a generation hour affecting please? 


Thank you for your attention on this matter.

Happy friday.

Edited by Swonno

Dear Swonno,

Your first question is not clear. Can you explain what you are trying to do?

Regarding your second question, by default, the ground object doesn't cause shading, but it is possible to activate it. You need to double-click on your terrain in the right panel and then check the "Enable shadow casting" box, as shown in the example below.



Muhammed Sarikaya

On 5/17/2024 at 4:58 PM, Muhammed Sarikaya said:

Dear Swonno,

Your first question is not clear. Can you explain what you are trying to do?

Regarding your second question, by default, the ground object doesn't cause shading, but it is possible to activate it. You need to double-click on your terrain in the right panel and then check the "Enable shadow casting" box, as shown in the example below.



Muhammed Sarikaya

Good morning Muhammed Sarikaya, Thank you for your comment !

I think my question is almost solved from your answer. 


So you mean, the default value of the ground object is not enabling shadow casting and It means that doesn't affect to generation hour whether how the topography is huge or small, It doesn't make any change to generation hour because it is set as a not enabling shadow casting , do i understand right?


So In this case, ground object is used to show the place how it looks like, not to consider how the ground object afftect to the generaiton hour.

I just wanted to know my thinking is right into the simulation and chekced.  Pls  let me know my ideas is wrong.


Thank you for reading,

Hope you start wonderful new week.


Dear Swonno,

Even if the topography may not affect the shadings on your tables, It may affect the generation values as the azimuth and tilt of your panels are modified by the ground slope.

Indeed, as you apply a slope on your tables, their final orientation will be different than their nominal / tilt orientation (orientation without any ground slope).

You will find in this page a detailed explanation of this effect:  https://www.pvsyst.com/help/baseslope.htm#:~:text=Base slope effect describes the,and performance of the panels.

This effect is also described in this video tutorial: https://youtu.be/eq9pU5QWtpc


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