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Error on Simulating Multi Orientation Module


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Hi all,

I'm currently having problem on simulating multi orientation module specifically when creating a near shading 3D scene as it mentioned "The area of the 3D fields is lower than the area of the module defined in the subarrays". I'm not sure if PVsyst didn't allow/unable to simulate for this kind of cases or there's some setting I didn't click on/adjust. 

My system consist of 3 diff. orientation whereas string 1 facing South & string 2 facing North + West. Under parameter already define with 3 nb of orientations & under subarrays, I only put 2 as if add another subarray specifically for another orientation, PVsyst will detect 1.5 nb of inverters & will cause an error mentioned "The inverter power is strongly oversized".




I notice PVsyst detect all 16 module as 1 orientation (string 2) even though on 3D some module already facing diff orientation. 



Btw this simulation for Residential with below details:

Inverter: Solis 3P10K (2 MPPT)

Solar Panel: Canadian Solar 455W

Nb of module: 29

Module layout: Sub array 1 (13 module) facing South, Sub array 2 (14 + 2 module) facing North + West.


Here's another image if I separate all orientation with individual sub array.




Hope someone can help on this issue & correct me if there's mistake based on image attached.

Thank you!


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First, I understand you want to distribute a string on two orientations ?

17 hours ago, Asyraf said:

string 1 facing South & string 2 facing North + West

This string 2 is not possible to implement in PVsyst. Indeed, PVsyst does not support strings that have modules in two orientations.

I think the easiest is to consider the average orientation North+West. Since there are only two modules that are towards the West, this approximation shouldn't be too bad. I have made a similar example. Note how there are two orientations only. I started by eliminating the orientation with few modules, clicking on delete. Then select the orientation you want to group the few modules in, go to "Details", and then "Add fields" and add the modules. In this way you will end up with two orientations. Now string 2 can be in a single orientation.


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