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Module Layout Tool possible BUG


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I would like to report following bug:

Please see on the enclosed picture, field “Table choice”. It shows Table Row#66 Col#3, but on the drawing, it shows Row#36 Col#3 (hidden by comment) and in yellow Table Row#66 Col#3, Module depending on module and Inverter #6 String #8 or #depending on position. I believe that shown on the drawing is wrong (Row#36 Col#3). Here is Col# right, but that is not the rule.

Additionally in the yellow box Inverter# do not correspond to the list of inverters MPPTs and strings.

I see this as serious inconsistency in program markings and suggest to be corrected.


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The "Module Layout"  is a copy of the real 3D system, shown as a 2D representation.

In this framework, PVsyst attributes a new  "matrix"  name to each table: it tries to  identify lines and columns in this 2D representation, and redefines table names according to this matricial disposition. 

Each table may be seen using the original shading object in the 3D scene, or this matricial redefinition. You have the choice of seeing one or the other of these names. Note that if the 3D object is an array, its 3D name will be the same for several tables, and PVsyst has to complete it with  "Row#1, Row@2, ...)


In your case, the name in the combobox is the name of the 3D object, when the name on the plot is the Module Layout matrix name. 

The list of inverters is defined according to the sequence in the SubArrays. In the present time PVsyst doesn't identify "physical" inverters (i.e. No of inverter and No of MPPT input),  but only deals with "MPPT inputs". This will be improved in a next version.

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