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Michalis Angeli

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Everything posted by Michalis Angeli

  1. I would like to ask if it is necessary to define the power factor in every project or that became only in very importants projects??
  2. Because i want to be totaly correct, I attach some pictures from my project. Can you tell me if is ti correct how i define the cables lengths? It's about a big scale pv park. In this case I have an inverter with 8 strings. I defined an average length 33 m. Pleas icnore the section, the correct is 6mm^2. Is ti correct? Isn't?
  3. In this example, you have 7 inverters with 9 Mppt inputs and therefore overall 63 strings. The Field global wiring resistance is the whole resistance for all strings and inverters? I would like you to calrify me, if is necessary to create differents subbarays in define system dialog in order to define one by one the lengths of each string and mppt input? Or i can define a value (cable length) for all strings. In our projects we don't use Main so I don't define any value there I keep it equal to 0. Thank you!
  4. I would like to ask, about Medium Voltage lines length. In my case, i have 450 meters distance between Substation to injection point (MV). In this dialog, as you can see below, should I define in Average MV lines length, 150 m because i have 3 phases or 450 m ?
  5. I would like to ask if there is a different in the way I definede the DC cables in Ohmic Losses dialog. Actually, i have an inverter with 9 mppt inputs. Should I define seperate the length of dc cables for each individual mppt (for ex. 23 panels for one String) Or can I define the length of dc cable as the average length of all strings? What differents may have in simulation that scenario. I attach some pictures to be more specific.
  6. Hello again, I want to ask something else. In this period i am simulating a forecast production for 20 years. Should i define the global degradation factor on Pmpp equal to 0.4% / year ? I am asking because i think that value is important for a forecast analysis? Thank you!
  7. Thank you!
  8. Hello, i would like to ask what does Module quality loos, that shown in loss diagramm, means? And why that has positive effect?
  9. I want to ask if i should change some of these values for temperature, according with my area of Installaition?
  10. Which of these default values should I change when i import an inverter that doesn't existi in database?
  11. Hello, I want to ask if I should change the parameters in Design Conditions dialog, according my installation area or should keep them as default. Also, how these parameters affect the simulation report and results?
  12. In warranty table I define the warranty, some values are calculated with linear interpolation. Such as the picture below. However, we want to define the degradation factor only, for the first year equal to 2% (not 3%) and the rest years we want to take in account a linear average -0.55%/year. But, i cannot define that, as you can see.
  13. Actually, i want to define this Warranty in simulation.
  14. Hello, i want to define the degaradation factor for pv panels wich i use in a project. However, the constructor gives , degradation factor for the first year 3% and from the second year a linear degradation factor, approximately 0.3% / year How can i define this in dialog aging, without affecting the rest years? I tried to define the degradation factor for first year 3% but all factors for the rest years are always changing and difined equal to 3%.
  15. Hello, First of all, yes the grid will be there as a backup to cover excess load, only in cases that batteries coulnd't cover these loads. When the batteries are fully charged, the excess energy will be lost. In no case that energy will not inject to gird.
  16. Okay, thank you!
  17. I would like to ask how can I draw a circulary tracking in "Construction/Perspectiv" of Near Shading dialog.
  18. I would like to import meteodatabase from source SolarGis. Which type of file should i select from SolarGis website to import in my project??
  19. Thank you about that, but by mistake i forgot to note that my system will be connected to grid, but wiil not exhange energy with gird. the excess energy will be saved in batteries. Should i design a different project??
  20. I want to build a system in PVSYST that doesn't inject energy to grid. Which option should i select in ordrer to do this? In my system, i will use battery system obviously, but the energy that saved in batteries will release only to my loads and nothing to grid.
  21. Okay now i fiqured it out. Thank you!
  22. Okay. If datasheet doesn't presents that value (Global degradation factor on Pmpp). Is there any default value wich i can to use ?? In order to taking in account and this parameter in my simulation? Thank you
  23. Net metering is an electricity billing mechanism that allows consumers who generate some or all of their own electricity to use that electricity anytime, instead of when it is generated. If i help you. Thanks
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