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  1. Yesterday
  2. is the solution to "ungroup" the array and then set altitude per individual row?
  3. Hi all. i have imported topo data and generated this shade scene of trackers. when i click "set auto altitude" at the highest point, the trackers do not properly follow the slope/topography. how can i fix this? less important question - the area with the highlighted streaks is always white space and i can only see the shade scene on the bottom left of my screen. why is that??
  4. I sent to you the file .zip with the project. Thank you
  5. Dear Stewart, In the Near Shading tool, you need to draw your 3D scene manually — it is not generated automatically. I suggest watching our tutorial related to near shadings: Regards
  6. Dear User, You can use PVsyst menu <File> <Export projects> to easily export your project files in a ZIP file and email it to our support address: support@pvsyst.com In the meantime, you can already read our FAQ about the most efficient way to optimize PVsyst simulation time: https://forum.pvsyst.com/topic/3542-how-to-optimize-simulation-time/?do=findComment&comment=9867 Best regards.
  7. This is the last status before that I quite the simulation!
  8. Hi Moderator, can you help me with the same problem? My simulation onVersione 8.0.8 is extremely slow. Can I send you the project? This is a big project but 2 hours for shadows and 4 hour for 15% of simulation are too much, so I stoped the simulation. Plese help me with a rewiev of the project. P.S. Where Can I share the project. Best regards and Thank you
  9. Hello, I imported a SOLITEK module into the PVSYST database using the manufacturer's PAN file. After importing, PVSYST displays an error message: "Invalid PV module." "The specified temperature coefficient must be between -0.42%/°C and -0.15%/°C of VOC." How can I correct this temperature coefficient? Sincerely, Thomas Meurville
  10. Hi, how I can plot my project after designing it in the system window and I want a 3d view of the plant align in what I design in the System window
  11. Dear, See my example below on how to proceed: Click Orientation Management: Then, select the orientation you want to delete and delete it, as shown below: Regards,
  12. Dear Andrés, You can use the "Zone Tool" — see below how to access it: Then, you can draw a zone where you place PV tables that follow the topography. Regards,
  13. The inquiry above is related to the inquiry here, which is the slope (tilt) of the table does not follow terrain, only the elevation.
  14. PVsyst should calculate this automatically.
  15. Last week
  16. Hello , Thanks for your reply . but i didn't insert different orientation . in the initial page of orientation i have chosen tracker N-S ( see image 1) . then i inserted the file imported from PVcase ( .PVC) in the near shading but i found automatically there are two different orientations ans therefore , i am not able to complete the simulations . in the PVcase file we checked all stings all of them have the same orientations . the problem is not existing in PVsyst 7.4
  17. Hi, It seems like you have defined an orientation (Orientatation #2) that has not been defined in the system. In the system window, make sure that all the orientations (shown in the drop down list) has been assigned in a sub-array (list of subarrays to the left)
  18. Hello, It's difficult to understand clearly the situation with these screenshot. Please send your project to support@pvsyst.com so we can better assist you
  19. we name "Solar Fraction" the ratio of the user's energy from solar, to the total user's consumption
  20. Hello, when working on a sloping surface, I have the problem that the PV modules cannot be aligned parallel to the slope. The Modules always protrude from the ground, even if i habe set the tiltangle to 0°. I am using a topographical TIFF sheet to capture the real ground conditions. The images show how the modules are currently aligned. Can you perhaps tell me how the modules can be aligned parallel to the ground. Thank you.
  21. Good morning, Thank you very much for your answer, I will try what you have told me about the two models and calculate the average.
  22. In the simulation report, results summanry show the "Solar Fraction", what that mean? I think it's a important value to the system.
  23. Hello everyone, I'm working on a PVSyst project where the terrain is undulating, which makes it challenging to define the tilt of the modules properly (for Orientation and near shading scene). I've attached an example image to illustrate the case better. Any advice or references would be greatly appreciated. https://waareeimages.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/energy_of_the_sun_and_convert_it_into_electricity_5a25f22d3d.jpg Thanks in advance!
  24. Hello , i have inserted arrays in the software and system orientation was trackers . Then i tried to import the file exported from Pvcase i got that message . i couldn't reslove that issue in versione 8 . coud you help please ?
  25. Yes, sorry, I completely forgot mentioning this in my last post. The correction I had done in the program has not been taken into account for the published version 8.0.8. This should be corrected in the next version 8.0.9, to be released still this week. In the meantime, the only way of modifying this value is to set the parameter “Arev= 1000” directly in the PAN file. And with this PAN file you should not enter the page “Additional parameters” of the PV module definition dialog.
  26. Dear Nikoloz, You have to find a way to extract the three coordinate points (X, Y, and Z) of your 3D object and save them as a CSV file. This way, PVsyst will accept the CSV file as topography. Regards,
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