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Dear sir or madam:
I have a question about some words of the help documentation (The loss diagram provides a quick and insight look into the quality of a PV system design, by identifying the main sources of losses) , were you implying that the "loss diagram" only displays the main sources of losses, while other contributing losses are factored into the calculations but not explicitly displayed? And the PR value cannot be calculated through the losses on loss diagram?
Hope for your response.
Best regards!





You can find all the variables in the Advanced Simulation output file. Some categories in the loss diagram are grouped—for example, Global Horizontal Irradiance, where its individual components are not displayed separately. Additionally, all the intermediate calculation steps are not explicitly represented in the diagram. However, all losses are accounted for, even if not all details are printed.

For a grid-connected system, the Performance Ratio (PR) is calculated as E_Grid / (GlobInc * PnomPV). E_Grid printed in the loss diagram is the final result.

Best regards

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