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Dear PVsyst Team,

I have a question regarding the flow of loss consideration.

If the first loss of the module is the LID (Light Induced Degradation), then the annual degradation should likely be considered after the LID loss in the loss diagram. Could you please confirm if this understanding is correct? Let me know if I am mistaken in my question.


The LID loss is not related to the long-term degradation.

The long-term degradation is applied to the module performance at the beginning of the simulation step. Now applying the LID loss before or after the long-term loss in the loss diagram has no real importance.

However you are right: in the present time, during the simulation, the LID loss is accounted as a percentage of the degraded PV module, when it should remain as a percentage of the initial (not degraded) module.   

The error is very low, but we will correct this in the simulation for a next version. 


Thank you for response 

In loss diagram Diagram, loss decimal value is only three digits is available. Can u please guid me how to take more decimal value in the pvsyst if possible.

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