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New to Batch, no CSV created plus how to

John Dozla

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Hey All - 

Thanks in advance.  I'm surfing threads looking for hints now, and have 2 basic issues.

I'm modelling a built system that's being commissioned for Duke.  They want to compare actual to predicted production for PPI, and they say they get it in PVSyst normally.  I've got the project created, and am trying out how to create the batch mode CSV file and then modify it with the collected data from the Revenue Meter and SCADA (POM and BOM) to get the PPI.

In Batch mode, I'm not getting a new CSV to modify created.  I had to try it a few times, and the very first there was a few dialog boxes.  They've never come back, even when I redid the project from Scratch.

After that, I'm also quite clueless on how to modify the CSV in Excel with existing value to get production values.  Like I said I am actively looking for clues, and I've been working with he videos and help files, but this doesn't seem to be addressed.



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Hi !

I am not sure what is the intent in using the batch mode. Do you have several years of operation so that you need to run several simulations?

Regarding the CSV, you can check the location of your workspace. There should be a sub-folder “UserBatch” in which the batch mode CSV parameter files are stored. If you don't get a new message each time, I assume this is because you have chosen the option “Existing file” in the first tab (which defines the parameter file):
Note that you need writing permissions for this folder on your system to create files in this folder.

As mentioned before, I am a bit puzzled as to why you require the batch mode. But assuming you want to enter “measured” input data, you can do that by changing the MET file via the batch mode.

  • A prerequisite is to import the measured irradiance and temperature data into a MET file. See this page for more information: https://www.pvsyst.com/help/meteo_convdialog.htm
  • In the batch mode window, you should look for the option “Specify different meteo files” on the second “Simulation parameters” tab.
  • In the parameter CSV, you can then enter the name of the .MET file in the corresponding column.
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Thank you for the input!  

I'd assumed it would be a batch mode method out of shear ignorance.  Batch mode "looked right".  I need a set of 5 days running to show a Performance Ratio demonstrating the system meets warranty, a substantial completion requirement.  The comparison is required to show Actual Revenue vs weather corrected predicted revenue.  I had assumed there'd be a way to run 5 days with the actual data.  Duke requires GlobHor, T_Amb, GlobInc, EArrMPP, EArray, TArray, EOutInv, E_Grid.

I was able to run it, and have 2 CSV file, BatchParams and BatchResults.  I didn't change BatchPArams at all before tunning, so I am assuming BatchResults is incomplete.

What I need to know - how can I enter values for the variable above to produce a PVsyst report?

From my reading the production ratio they want is theoretical output corrected for actual weather divided by actual output.  I have the actual output and can put it in, and I have the actual weather and can put it in.  Theoretical output is modelled per their requirements.  Is it possible to get the Production Ratio Chart to reflect these values ?





Screenshot 2024-01-08 121631.png

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I see. I don't think you need the batch mode for this. The batch mode allows you to change programmatically system and geometric parameters. But since you have just a single “weather file” (equal to or including your 5 days) you just need to run the simulation once, so no need to vary parameters.
You probably would like to produce an hourly output CSV (https://www.pvsyst.com/help/output_file.htm), or a daily output CSV (same interface). There you can choose output variables such as PR, temperature corrected PR, etc.

The most important step is to import your weather data. This works better if your whole weather data has more than 5 days. Just import all the weather data (up to one year) with the custom file import https://www.pvsyst.com/help/meteo_convdialog.htm to create a MET file. Then define your hourly/daily CSV output, and run the simulation.

Do you need to import array temperatures as well, or should these be modeled? In the MET file creation procedure, you can also import array temperatures. To then use them in the simulation, you should then go to the Detailed losses > Thermal parameters. There you will find a checkbox that allows using imported TArray values.

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The date 1990 is an indicator in PVsyst and not an actual year. It means that the year is generic, i.e., you are using multi-year averages or a TMY.
If you import your own time-series data, e.g., via the custom import file, you can choose to use the dates specified in the file. If you then use the MET file created by this procedure, you will be able to choose dates according to your time-series.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/8/2024 at 10:13 AM, Michele Oliosi said:

Hi !

I am not sure what is the intent in using the batch mode. Do you have several years of operation so that you need to run several simulations?

Regarding the CSV, you can check the location of your workspace. There should be a sub-folder “UserBatch” in which the batch mode CSV parameter files are stored. If you don't get a new message each time, I assume this is because you have chosen the option “Existing file” in the first tab (which defines the parameter file):
Note that you need writing permissions for this folder on your system to create files in this folder.

As mentioned before, I am a bit puzzled as to why you require the batch mode. But assuming you want to enter “measured” input data, you can do that by changing the MET file via the batch mode.

  • A prerequisite is to import the measured irradiance and temperature data into a MET file. See this page for more information: https://www.pvsyst.com/help/meteo_convdialog.htm
  • In the batch mode window, you should look for the option “Specify different meteo files” on the second “Simulation parameters” tab.
  • In the parameter CSV, you can then enter the name of the .MET file in the corresponding column.

Hi, I am trying to follow these same steps. I need to get 20 hourly production simulations by varying the meteo file I already have uploaded in the database. However, for some reason, the hourly production files are not showing up. Can you help me by giving me an example of how to vary the meteo file or tell me how to do it step by step, please?






And there is nothing in the file of userhourly.


Thank you so much in advance.




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When exiting the batch definition window, and before clicking on simulation, you should also define the hourly output file format. If it is not defined and the checkbox “Enable output file” is not checked, then the hourly output may not be generated. Could your issue be due to this?


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7 hours ago, Michele Oliosi said:

When exiting the batch definition window, and before clicking on simulation, you should also define the hourly output file format. If it is not defined and the checkbox “Enable output file” is not checked, then the hourly output may not be generated. Could your issue be due to this?


Thank you!!! :)))

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