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Power Sharing results in array maximum power greater than inverter allowed input PV Power


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Some inverter manufacturers have contractual conditions on PVSyst OND files regarding Maximum PV Power and Maximum PV Current allowed.

In a particular case, when trying to use the power sharing function, and having 12 available MPPT and 14 strings, 2 of these MPPT have to share 2 strings each.


Although my total PV array (145 Wp) is below the inverter manufacturer limit (188 kWp as seen in error message below), i still get this error message.


I'm assuming this is happening due to PVSyst considering that the inverter can only handle 188/12 of array power per MPPT, even if other MPPT's are more relieved.


Although power sharing is available for this inverter model, it still triggers the error message. Does this mean that the chosen inverter can't handle such array power per MPPT, even though it respects the Isc and Voc limitations defined by the manufacturer in their datasheets?




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Indeed I think your supposition is correct, i.e. PVsyst does not recognize well the power sharing relating to this error message. We need to correct this bug.

Note however that you can modify the inverter to disregard this error message:

PVsyst will handle the simulation alright. The error you obtain is just a message telling you that the contractual conditions are not satisfied, it doesn't affect the simulation.

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