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Linear shading and shading rel.loss.irradiance


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Hi, I am new to this software.

Note: the buidling is facing northeast as shown in image.

1st question: Currently, i am trying out the shading animation. The Under Near shadings, i selected "Linear shading". Once i run the shading animation, the right side of solar panels (Facing Northeast) will turn grey. Why is that so? There is no shading blocks around. Define what is Linear shading.

2nd question: Under Module layout, there is a I/V curve. After calculating the shading 3D , the shading rel.loss ,irradiance for the inverter is 75.8% but there is no shading around it . Please explain and define what is the shading rel.loss,irradiance for inverter.




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The modules will turn grey if there is no direct irradiance shining on them. In the 3D scene animation only direct light is taken into account.
For low sun heights the north-oriented may not receive any direct light. This is probably why they turn grey. Note that the irradiance deficit will change depending on the time: in your screenshot, you are showing 18:45 (see the right hand panel). That is a case where the sun is low.

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