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Importing POA for Single Axis Trackers in PVSyst 7.2


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I would like to import POA for a single axis tracking system in PVSyst 7.2.  I was wondering two things:

  1. Can I have an example file that I can copy for the file import?  Or is there one that I can find somewhere?
  2. Will the system directly use the POA values that I import regardless of the time-series of tracker rotation angles, or will the model reverse-engineer the GHI + components and then use those values along with the tracker rotation angles to calculate a new POA?


Thank you,


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Hi Kurt,

1) You have to import your file via the "custom file" tool, meaning that many formats are allowed. Essentially any CSV with one time-step per line and one variable per column (hence at least one column for the POA or GHI, and one for the ambient temperature, but you can have more columns) will do. If there is extra information in the header of your CSV, the tool allows to disregard it.

2) PVsyst will reverse engineer (we use the term reverse-transpose) the GHI and DHI. In the end the discrepancy between the original value and the one in the simulation will differ for a given hour of less than a percent. Over the year the difference should be negligible.

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