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Error using SMA sunny tripower inverter 8kW

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the task of my thesis is to simulate the output power of an existing bifacial one axis solar tracker.This setup uses 36 bifacial solar panels (455W). 1 string consists of 12 modules and each string is connected to 1 MPP of an 8kW SMA Sunny Tripower inverter. When inserting the Inverter at 'System' I get the error message that the array max power is greater than the specified inverter max allowed input PV power. How is it possible that this setup works correctly in real life but gives an error message during a simulation?


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This is not an error. It is letting you know the array is sized higher than the inverter input rating. In the OND file, you likely have the contractual specification checked on the maximum PV power. You can uncheck this to remove the warning. Note you have defined 1.9 inverters in your global system.
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