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Enedis index to consumption profile


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I have a consumption index in the form of a "10 minute point". I would like to use this consumption index to estimate the photovoltaic power needed to obtain a viable economic model.

In what format and how should I implement this index?

For information, this is a consumption profile from the French network manager: Enedis

Thank you in advance for your help.


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I have a consumption index in the form of a "10 minute point". I would like to use this consumption index to estimate the photovoltaic power needed to obtain a viable economic model.

In what format and how should I implement this index?

For information, this is a consumption profile from the French network manager: Enedis

Thank you in advance for your help.



Dear T.Geb,

You can import into PVsyst an hourly load profile from a CSV file.

The consumption index provided by Enedis contains 6 values per hour (consumption on 10-minutes periods).

You will have to merge ten minutes values in hourly values and import the resulting CSV file in PVsyst from "Self consumption" / "Load values from CSV file" / "Choose CSV file" / "Browse" and select your hourly CSV file.

The template provided by PVsyst (available under C:\Users\Username\PVsyst7.0_Data\UserHourlyParams) is an hourly CSV containing all the hours of the year in the first column, and the corresponding hourly consumption in the second column.

You can have more details about this feature on this page https://www.pvsyst.com/help/load_file.htm

Kind regards

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