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PitchSlope=90.0, bad automatic reset


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i am modelling a system with fixed tilt sheds where the *.shd file insists to add a parameter "PitchSlope=90.0", the shed-to-shed slope (it's a parameter of the PV_Object pvShdArraySunShield).


  • If i manually replace the value to "PitchSlope=0.0" in the *.shd file, the model opens just fine.

  • After i close the variant and save it the parameter disappears in the *.shd file.

  • When i open the model again and start the near shading module, all sheds are "stacked" with the 90° slope. If i save again, the above mentioned parameter appears again.


This happened in one other model i did some time ago but i cancelled the project and discarded it. So i ignored. It did not appear in the ~15 other projects i modelled in between...

I am using plain ground with a ground image (*.pgn) (no ground model) and no pitch slope actually.

I'd appreciate some help because it was a nasty piece of work to place the sheds in this one...

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