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Import files


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  • 4 weeks later...

Already asked by many users !

However it is not simple: unlike most 3D programs, the PVsyst shading 3D data are constructed with a very strict structure (the "native" data are elementary objects with their sizes and position/orientation, which are reconstructed and repositioned by the program at each execution). This structure is very difficult to reconstruct from other unstructured data in an automatic way.

Unless we ask the user to construct his objects in Autocad with very rigid rules, which withdraws 99% of the interest of the Autocad import facility ! (and checking the topology and the integrity of these data would be a titanesc work).

On the other hand, architect drawings usually include many details not relevant for the shading calculations. Then PVsyst cannot deal with too complex objects (the calculation time grows with the square of the number of elements), and will probably have to simplify the drawings.

However we will start soon to study the possibility of a link with Sketchup. If it is really feasible, this should not be available before several months (autumn ?).

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  • 4 months later...


Apologies for double posting this one, however I think it is more useful that I post this to the forum rather than to your individual email account.

Rather than importing geometry directly into PVsyst (which as you've noted below, will be near impossible), the function to import a 2D .dxf underlay would be very useful if a drag and drop and snap functionality can be incorporated. This still allows all of the geometry to be built within PVsyst and to the PVsyst rules, but allows us to easily locate objects relative to one another, which at the moment is a cumbersome task.

This is a similar approach to what is taken with the majority of building energy simulation programs (i.e. IES Virtual Environment, DesignBuilder) which have very strict geometry requirements. This probably isn't easy to implement, but I think it is a sensible middle ground between no import capability and full 3D import capability.

Happy to elaborate further if necessary.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...


moi aussi j'aimerai importer des batiments modélisé dans sketchup 3D /dwg/dxf puis implanter mes champs PV.

cela simplifierai bien le temps passé.

je sais qu'il existe Le format IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) qui est un format de fichier orienté objet utilisé par l'industrie du bâtiment pour échanger et partager des informations entre différents logiciels.

Avez vous une date prévisible (annoncée en automne) de la sortie de la version intégrant cette fonction ?


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  • 4 months later...

Je reviens 5 mois après, as t on des nouvelles de l'évolution de la possibilité d'intégrer du 3d depuis dwg ou sketchup !

surtout avec l'apparition des lasermetres 3D



Rendu sur sketchup depuis lasermetre 3D (en 30mn chrono)

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  • 2 months later...

Another vote for the import ability!

As an intermediary option, you could make the specification for the Shadings Scene or Helios3D import files open source, as currently we're forced to look at rather expensive proprietary providers. You've mentioned before that at least some parts of the program are written in Delphi and I for one would be quite willing to try homebrewing some import code while you sort out the details. Obviously we would then take on the risk of inaccurate input. Indeed, this was something I considered for my dissertation several years ago!


PS - Off-topic but really pleased with today's update to the Module Layout page, thank you

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  • 11 months later...

Any updates regarding the possibility of importing 3D models from sketchup?

Last year I found a sketchup plugin in the PVsyst system folder and tried it with success but then I couldn't import the generated file in PVsyst and I was told you were working on that.

The plugin is still there in the new versions but there is no other progess in this field.

If sketchup is not going to happen, could we know what other software is more probable for such a capability?

Thanks in advance for your time.

Best regards.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all,

anything new about this ?

there is a lot of free .lsp to extract points coordinates from dxf / dwg format to csv.

that would be a good start to have such a feature that can import 2D or 3D from csv. even we have to redesign the faces of the polygon.

well thx for your reply,

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Hi all,

anything new about this ?

there is a lot of free .lsp to extract points coordinates from dxf / dwg format to csv.

that would be a good start to have a feature that can import 2D or 3D from csv. even we have to redesign the faces of the polygon.

well thx for your reply,

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We have implemented the possibility to import files from Sketchup using the open DAE (Collada) file format, and therefore from AutoCAD (using FBXConverter).

This will be available in version 6.60 which should be published soon.

You can already import a CSV topography in the shading scene using the menu "File > Import > CSV ground data". But this is intended to import topography, not 3D objects.

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  • 1 year later...

Running into some issues when trying to import a .dae file, originating from autocad. Ive gone through the process of converting from: .dxf>.fbx>.dae using the Autodesk FBX Converter tool as mentioned in the help topics. The issue is that, when imported, its showing 0 Faces, 0 vertices, 0 objects. I had some luck with one particular .dae file, showing me 2 faces, and giving me the selection option on the additional tab of "Materials". But when that one was imported, it pulled two oddly shaped rectangles that had 0 correspondence with the actual design. Im at a bit of a loss here since re-creating a actual layout in the construction window is extremely tedious, time consuming, and often resulting is failure to replicate. Ive followed the help topics for importing from Sketchup and Autocad, but it doesnt seem to be granular enough. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Also open to suggestions to replicating a designed array in the construction/perspective tab. One that falls outside of a typical rectangle.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Je reviens sur ce forum, j'ai acquis un scanner 3D qui créé des nuages de points.

J'ai vu que vous allez bientot sortir la version 7

avez-vous intégré dans la version 7 de votre logiciel la possibilité de récupérer ce nuage de point (au format E57 par exemple bien que la taille de ce nuage est très importante)

à défaut, avez-vous comme projet la possibilité d’importer des batiments modélisés au format IFC (déjà demandé depuis 2013)

ou aussi la possibilité d’import un fichier maillé sz type « mesh » au format obj ?

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