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Application of "unlimited horizontal tracking" orientation in PVsyst V6.68


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Dr. Mermoud,

Can you clarify how the "unlimited horizontal tracking" orientation differs from past tracking orientations, and how to best put it to use?

I made an experimental project with a basic tracker layout (with backtracking) to compare the production of a system with "unlimited horizontal tracking" to one with "horizontal or tilted N-S axis." For the latter of the two, I am keeping axis tilt at 0 degrees, but have to construct a tracker in the 3D scene. All other variables are the same. However, the "horizontal or tilted N-S axis" orientation model producing slightly more than "unlimited horizontal tracking." Any ideas why there is a difference? Can you provide general guidance on when each of these orientations is best utilized?

Many thanks,


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Dear Dr. Mermoud,

I have the same question as jbennett. I believe both these scenarios ("unlimited horizontal tracking"and "horizontal or tilted N-S axis" at 0 tilt) are same, but the results are slightly different due to near shading loss calculation. It would be great to get your guidance on which orientation is more appropriate for which scenarios.

Thank you in advance!!

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