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Long term simulations series


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I use the module quality field in batch mode to simulate DC degradation over time. I dont get PDFs, but have a macro to assemble the csv files together into a spreadsheet.


It is an idea, but module quality is not the same than degradation. The behavior is different...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Totally agree! I was about to make the same suggestion... I have to estimate the system production over 20 years, and sometimes 2 or 3 different configurations, so I have to run 60 times and save 60 different files, with every loss number on them. And if by chance I notice that I made any mistake, I have to start from zero, it's a torture! :mrgreen:
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Here's a solution that fitted me! It gives slightly different results, but almost the same! ;)

Before a perform a simulation, I go to the "degradation losses" section and take note of all degradation and mismatch values for a given time horizon (in my case, 20 years), in a Excel spreadsheet. Then I untick the option to use degradation in the simulation.

Then I go to the batch simulation and change the variables "module quality" and "mismatch", and paste the values given in the spreadsheet.

But one should never forget the initial values (eg. if I use module quality -0.4% and mismatch 1%, these values have to be added every year)!

I don't know if I was clear enough, but if anyone have a question, feel free to ask!



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dear André,

I am testing now the calculation for several years, and the results that I got in batch simulation are not the same than I got by changing the year of simulation in "Ageing" tool.

In "batch simulation", I have specified Degradation-> year of simulation", and then in the csv batchparams file I have introduce the years I want to simulate, but the Energy Injected into Grid that I obtain after batch simulation is sliglthly higher than the results I got by changing the year of simulation in "Ageing" tool.

What can be wrong? Is the batch simulation taking into account the mismatch increase due to degradation?

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  • 4 months later...

Hi All,

Can anyone clarify the below:

1. What is "year 0" meant to be?

2. What degradation factor is employed for each year? For instance, if I specify year as '1' for a simulation is the degradation loss for that simulation equal to the default degradation loss you would see in the 'Ageing' menu when you select year 1?

I would really appreciate a bit more guidance material on batch simulation in general.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone know if the mismatch growth is included in the batch simulation? The module degradation is easy to show (even by using other params, as it is linear), but the mismatch growth will reduce production by an additional 2-3% over 20 years, needs to be included in the batch parameters list.
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  • 1 month later...
Hi All,

Can anyone clarify the below:

1. What is "year 0" meant to be?

2. What degradation factor is employed for each year? For instance, if I specify year as '1' for a simulation is the degradation loss for that simulation equal to the default degradation loss you would see in the 'Ageing' menu when you select year 1?

I would really appreciate a bit more guidance material on batch simulation in general.

Does anyone know if the mismatch growth is included in the batch simulation? The module degradation is easy to show (even by using other params, as it is linear), but the mismatch growth will reduce production by an additional 2-3% over 20 years, needs to be included in the batch parameters list.


It would be wonderful if someone from PVsyst could clarify these issues.


Evenmore, if you set RMS dispersion values for Isc and Voc to zero, the batch calculation for Energy injected into grid is zero for all the years!!!

Sinceresly, I have lost my hopes and I don't know what to do about this.

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  • 5 months later...


By default, PVsyst considers the average degradation loss throught the whole year. So, if you put degradation loss of 0,4%/year, for year 1, it will consider degratadion losses of 0,2% (starting the year with no degradation losses at all, since the modules are brand new, and ending the year with 0,4% losses, thus averaging 0,2%).

Year 0 means it will not consider any degradation losses. So if want to make a batch simulation for eg. 10 years and you use 1 to 10, PVsyst will consider the average losses throught each year. If you want to change for the losses in the beggining of each year, you should use 0 to 9.

Best regards,


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From version 6.60, the Degradation (year number for a simulation and degradation parameters) is indeed part of the parameters you can use/modify in the batchs.


Has the growth of mismatch been included as well, or just the aging?


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

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