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  1. im only using 4 out of 5 mppt, and in "number of inversor" is just 0.8, not even a full inversor, does it make diference on the simulation??
  2. Hi, We are testing latest version of PVsyst 7.3.4 and after launching the application, we observed the following prompt:- We have already disabled the "Check for updates at startup" by setting "Checkforupdatesatstartup=0" in PVsyst.ini. But this prompt is still popping up. Could you please tell me how can I disable this prompt for users? Thanks, Anique
  3. I have modeled a simple installation with some shados using optimizers. What i can not understand is why the optimizers are boosting current OVER the Isc of the solar Panel. Could someone help me reason this? PvSyst 7.1 Thank you very much.
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