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André Mermoud

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Everything posted by André Mermoud

  1. This tool shows the evolution of the yearly production, as a function of a fixed array voltage kept constant all over the year. It is very specific, when you have some converter with a fixed input voltage, to adjust for using a PV array.
  2. Please check that you have not defined "Unavailability losses" in your project.
  3. Please chack that you have not defined "Unavailability Losses".
  4. The problem with the PVGIS API change has been solved in the latest version 6.87. This version is available for any user who has upgrade rights up to December 17th, 2019.
  5. I don't know. Please send us your whole project, using "Files > Export project" in the main menu. Send it to support@pvsyst.com.
  6. I don't know. It is strange ideed. Perhaps the simulation has been reexecuted between both outputs ?
  7. You cannot define curved surfaces in PVsyst. You have to create a set of planar surfaces, and use the option "Orientation > Several orientations". However be aware that each orientation should be treated independently (on a different inverter MPP input). You can eventually mix 2 orientations (the orientations #1 and #2) on one MPP input. In you case you have to do some approximations.
  8. Yes you cam import CSV files of XYZ points. Please see the help "Project design > Shadings > Near Shadings: Import > CSV Ground data"
  9. During the installation, the program should have defined a suited workspace C:\ Users \ YourSession \ PVsyst680_Data \ If this workspace is not present, please uninstall PVsyst and reinstall it.
  10. After defining the data you want to get in the CSV file, please don't forget to check "Datafile output / Output on filename" top left. The file will be available at the end of the next simulation. The simulation will notify you where it is located (i.e. in your workspace \Userdata\). NB: You have to re-check the option "Output on filename" at each executions when you want an output file. NB2: This is fully explained in the help "Project design > Simulation > Simulation: export ASCII file", available by F1 in the importing tool. You have access to the Help by F1 (or little questionmark buttons for mor specific information) from everywhere in the software. Please use it.
  11. These are not significant. You can let all these values to 0. See the help "Project design > P50 - P90 evaluations"
  12. Sorry, this is not possible in PVsyst in the present time. You have to define 2 different variants (i.e. perform two different simulations).
  13. Please explain where you found this functionnality. I don't see any place in PVsyst giving directly an energy production as function of the ground area. This information would require to define a GCR, as well as a plane orientation.
  14. This is normal. The values mentioned (and modifiable) in the bi-facial tool are intended to analyze your Bi-facial system in diverse conditions. This is a pedagogic tool. If you have specified a 3D scene (with sheds or trackers), the simulation will take the parameters corresponding at best to these definitions in the 3D construction. This is mentioned on the dialog: The only parameter which is really defined here and not specified in the 3D scene is the "Height above the Ground".
  15. This is quite normal. If you have overpower conditions, all the production hours for which the Power is limited will fall in this last bin (corresponding to PNom).
  16. You cannot mix different PV modules in a single sub-array. The only way to do that is to redefine your inverter as a Multi-MPPT inverter, and attribute different sub-arrays to different MPPT inputs.
  17. By which amount ? The shading calculation principles are very different between the 3D and the Unlimited sheds models. However if you correctly define the 3D scene (i.e. by observing the hypothesis of the "unlimited sheds", i.e. very long sheds or rows), both simulations usually give close values. Now the optimum tilt angles have a very broad maximum: large interval in tilt may lead to very little yield differences. So that the maximum tilt may be significantly different even with little simulation differences.
  18. No this is not yet possible. Please see our FAQ How can I include an inverter in a Stand-alone system?
  19. There is now a way of defining the tariffs in hourly values on a CSV file.
  20. No, there are no PVsyst distributors in any country. The company PVsyst SA is the only distributor for the whole world.
  21. Yes, you can define a "normal" system with self-consumption and storage, and consider the energy injected into the grid as the heating energy of the hotwater tank. The battery sizing is completely dependent on your requirements (load profile, PV power and required self-consumption).
  22. Such a system may easily be defined in PVsyst. You have all the required elements for that. You can get hourly data by defining a CSV output file (for EXCEL) using "Advanced simul > Output file". Here you can define the simulation variables you want to export.
  23. No, this result is not available in PVsyst. The only way is to perform 2 simulations, with systems equivalent to each sub-array.
  24. The simpler way is to redefine your inverter with 3 MPPT inputs, and attribute one sub-array to each input. The mismatch between orientations (i.e. between strings in different orientations) is usually very low (a fraction of %). You can check this by defining one sub-array with a "mixed" orientation. Here the calculation is correct, as it uses the mix of both I/V curves.
  25. Yes, if you define a "table" or an array of "tables", you have the opportunity of giving a slope to the baseline of your table. However this will change the orientation of your plane. See the FAQ "With sheds on a tilted roof, PVsyst changes my orientation"
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