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Everything posted by JamesLenton

  1. Ah I see, thank you for the support. Best, James.
  2. Hi Muhammed, hope you are well. I have tried modelling a site with polygonal tables as per a site design, now with PVsyst version 8. Has bifacial modelling for these tables been added in yet, or is it planned for a future update of version 8? Kind regards, James.
  3. Thats very helpful, thanks again! James.
  4. I have just double checked and the studies were carried out at maximum power. So that would represent STC, meaning taking it as a % of TIC is then the correct input. Thank you.
  5. Hello Michele, The losses I am referring to are the losses in the power systems study, which are given to us in kW. I have this for the DC ohmic losses, AC cable losses from inverter to transformer, AC cable losses from transformer to PoC and for the transformers. To enter the cable losses into PVsyst, I divided each by the total installed capacity to get a percentage and then entered this as the % loss at STC with the correct wire sizes. Is this the best way to go about it? Kind regards, James.
  6. Hello, I am looking to include estimated losses from a power systems study to make my PVsyst report more accurate. In the report the total losses are given in kW, to get this to a % losses at STC, what power should I divide this by? Total installed capacity (DC) - this is what seems right AC inverter capacity Export capacity (less than inverter capacity in this case) I can't find the answer on the PVsyst help pages, hope you can help me. Kind regards, James.
  7. Hi Linda, thanks for your help! I have managed to generate the export file I need with the correct hourly data, so its just a matter of processing that data now. Best, James.
  8. Hello, I am looking to complete the below for one of our simulations: On the output graphs (or in advanced simulations) I can't seem to get AC power as a function of irradiance, grouped in bins. Is this possible? Look forward to your advice. James.
  9. Thanks for updating me. Is this something that will change as PVsyst version 8 is released? When can we expect more information on version 8? Best, James.
  10. Hi Muhammed, I have added the polygonal fields to my 3D scene, however I am now getting an error with the bifacial system definition: "not all you table widths are identical - system not suited for bifacial 2D model computation". Can you not define bifacial modules for polygonal PV planes? Best, James.
  11. Hi Muhammed, Thank you so much for your help! I just didn't look hard enough to find that tool! Have a good weekend, James.
  12. I think my use of the work 'missing' is confusing things. The actual design was made this way, and I am trying to replicate it. And I am wondering if were is an easy way of doing this. Thanks, James.
  13. Hi Muhammed, Sorry I can't share that. It is where smaller tables have been used to fill the more narrow parts of the available land - and the table sizes that were used for this are shown in the image I posted. I think it was so the table sizes were in 1, 2, and 3 strings. James.
  14. Hi guys, I am attempting to define tables in the 3D scene which are 3 in portrait but in some cases are 'missing a module(s). The string length is 28 and the site was filled with these 3 table sizes for 1, 2, and 3 strings. This leads to the 1 and 2 string tables having non equal number of modules on each row. Is there an easy way to do this in PVsyst, without defining a small table and then adding 1 or 2 modules by themselves? Any suggestions are appreciated!
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