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Everything posted by Moisiadis

  1. hello, I am also doing a 20 year simulation and as i was cheking again on my simulation it caught my eye that for the same year, without any of the parameters changed, i got diffrend values as i reruned the simulation...this doesnt hapen to me for the first year, so i figure its something that happens when i enable the aging parameter. I was working on trial and now i just have the demo version does that have something to do with it? thank you in advance
  2. Hi, i had the same question (regarding the DC part of the instalation) and i just read the links you suggested. So just to be clear. If for exapmle there was an instalation with 15 strings with 15 modules each...the length in the string module connections (AVG length m./ciruit) is an average length of all the strings and not the sum of them. is that right? Thank you in advance George
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