Hi @dtarin,
At the time of this post, what I did was doing a generic one by not choosing any same trackers in both instances and instead just doing a generic one as shown here:
The results are as the post made, on the first run (Variant VC1) and on the first re-run (Variant VC2), I ended up with very different shading tables and resulting losses are different.
Now as of this post, I have tried to choose a 'random' tracker set Number 361 & 362 for both instances:
The following are the two shading tables obtained for the two variants: (1st one is VC1, 2nd one is VC2)
Both have different tilts and azimuths even though they are the exact same shading model and exact same tables chosen.
Moreover, now, for both variants, I am facing the issue that the backtracking is giving +/- 79.9 degrees even though it should have limited the Phi limits. For reference, the project land is pretty flat with minimal undulations. According to PVSyst unlimited horizontal trackers, the phi angle limit should be +/-54.2.
However, now, in both variants, I am getting equal electrical shading loss of 2.03%
What is going on? Can someone please explain? Cheers.