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Lazare Fesnien

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Posts posted by Lazare Fesnien

  1. Hi,

    We update the database using the requests of the manufacturers, and publish it with each new issue of PVsyst.

    We can't of course follow all the new products of all manufacturers in the world. We don't want to include data without the acknowledgement of the manufacturer.

    Nevertheless you can easily create your own components by yourself. The easiest way is to choose a similar existing device in the database, modify its parameters according to the manufacturer's datasheets, and save it under a new name, therefore creating a new file in your database.

    You have a tutorial for that on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PVsystTutos, page Component database

  2. Hi,

    In the present time only Bi-facial models for unlimited sheds or unlimited trackers are available. This means that the edges of the system are not taken into account, and the contributing ground is from the first shed bottom, and the last shed + pitch. Threrefore the model is not applicable to experiments on a single (or double) array for example.

    You should define a system compatible with these hypothesis:

    - Either in the "Orientation" dialog, you should choose "Unlimited sheds" or "Horizontal axis Unlimited trackers". These involve a generic analytic calculation of the mutual shadings. In this case you should not define a 3D shadings scene, as the shading effects would be accounted twice.

    - Or in the 3D shading scene, you have to define "PV Tables as Sheds" or "Tracking PV planes". These objects define arrays. If you define several such objects, they should be identical (same orientation, pitch or table/trackers widths).

    In this case you have to define "Fixed orientation" or "Tracking horizontal axis" in the "Orientation" part. And the bi-facial model will establish a dummy "Unlimited Sheds or Trackers" corresponding to these parameters.

  3. Hi,

    You can easily create your own components by yourself. The easiest way is to choose a similar existing device in the database, modify its parameters according to the manufacturer's datasheets, and save it under a new name, therefore creating a new file in your database.

    You have a tutorial for that on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PVsystTutos, page Component database

  4. Hi,

    We use to update the database using the data provided by the manufacturers.

    However despite several reminders, SMA has never updated the database since more than 5 years, so that we decided to include some of their inverters from the datasheets available on the web.

    But SMA people were not satisfied at all when seeing our definitions of their inverters.

    They asked for retrieving them immediately.

    Therefore please ask SMA for their OND files about these devices.

    NB: You can always define an inverter from datasheets by yourself: you have a tutorial on Youtube for that:

  5. Hello,

    We update the database using the requests of the manufacturers, and publish it with each new issue of PVsyst.

    We can't of course follow all the new products of all manufacturers in the world. We don't want to include data without the acknowledgement of the manufacturer.

    Nevertheless you can easily create your own components by yourself. The easiest way is to choose a similar existing device in the database, modify its parameters according to the manufacturer's datasheets, and save it under a new name, therefore creating a new file in your database.

    You have a tutorial for that on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PVsystTutos, page Component database

  6. Hello,

    Sat = 23% means that the share of satellite data when interpolating is 23%, the rest corresponds to station data, interpolated from nearby stations. Meteonorm does use a mixture of satellite and station data. The further one is from the stations the greater the weight of satellite data.

    For more information about meteonorm, please also look at their documentation. For example their handbook's chapter 7.2 describes the interpolation in more details https://meteonorm.com/assets/downloads/mn80_theory.pdf

  7. Hi,

    Which "many components" ? In principle we never suppress any component from the database, as users may have defined them in their projects.

    But sorry, we had to do an exception here.

    SMA people were not satisfied at all when seeing our definitions of their inverters from datasheets in the PVsyst database.

    They asked for retrieving them immediately.

    Therefore please ask SMA for their OND files about these devices.

    NB: You can always define an inverter from datasheets by yourself: you have a tutorial on Youtube for that:

  8. Hi,

    Indeed, we just elucidated two bugs in version 7.2, for bifacial systems:

    - One in the display of the report, where the “bifacial model geometry” section is not correct,

    - The other is an error in the computation of the diffuse on the rear side of modules for bifacial tracking systems. This in turn largely affects the losses diagram.

    We will be publishing a corrective to these two errors in patch 7.2.1, as soon as possible.

  9. Hi,

    Inverters with Unbalanced MPPT inputs

    Some special inverters (namely in the Tripower series of SMA) have 2 MPPT inputs with very different powers. In practice this is very useful as you can define an array without much constraints about the module number on the main input, and one string with the remaining of your modules to be installed - whatever their number - on the secondary input. This feature is part of the Inverter's definition.

    With these very special unbalanced inverters, when defining a sub-array you will have the choice between "Main" and "Secondary" MPPT inputs.

    In principle you should define sub-arrays for the same number of "Main" and "Secondary" inputs (i.e. use all the available inputs). However the button "adjust" gives the opportunity of not using the secondary input. Please check with the manufacturer that this is really possible with the real inverters you are using.

    At the design time, the nominal powers of each input are evaluated according to the maximum currents specified for each MPPT inputs. This may sometimes lead to unacceptable overload losses. If this warning is red (error), you have to increase the allowed overload energy loss in the "Project's" parameters (button "Albedo-Settings").

    At the Simulation time, the power sharing (as mentioned above for normal MPPT inputs) is automatically performed as function of the PV modules connected in each sub-array. The Pnom of each MPPT input is evaluated just before the simulation.

    Example of use (tutorial):

    Suppose you have to build a PV system using 155 PV modules of 250 Wp, i.e. 38.75 kWp.

    1. - Choose the inverter(s), according to a reasonable PNom ratio of 1.25: you need inverters for PNom(ac) = 38.75 kW / 1.25 = 31 kW. 2 inverters with unbalanced MPPT, of PNom = 15 kW should be well suited.

    2. - In the "System" part, Define 2 sub-arrays,

    3. - First one: define "Main" input with 6 strings of 20 modules (i.e. 120 modules), and 2 "Main" inputs: you get a PNom ratio = 1.25, quite correct.

    4. - There are 35 modules left to be attributed. This will correspond to 2 different "Secondary" inputs, so you have to increase the number of sub-array to 3.

    5. - Sub-array #2, define 1 "secondary" input, and attribute 18 modules.

    6. - Sub-array #3, define 1 "secondary" input, and attribute 17 modules.

    7. - Now the Warning "The inverter power is strongly undersized" appears in red, because the Overload loss is over 3% (depending on the meteo). You have to increase the "Limit overload loss for design" in the project's definitions.

    Now your system is ready for the simulation.

  10. Hi,

    We update the database using the requests of the manufacturers, and publish it with each new issue of PVsyst.

    We can't of course follow all the new products of all manufacturers in the world. We don't want to include data without the acknowledgement of the manufacturer.

    Nevertheless you can easily create your own components by yourself. The easiest way is to choose a similar existing device in the database, modify its parameters according to the manufacturer's datasheets, and save it under a new name, therefore creating a new file in your database.

    You have a tutorial for that on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PVsystTutos, page Component database

  11. Hi,

    We update the database using the requests of the manufacturers, and publish it with each new issue of PVsyst.

    We can't of course follow all the new products of all manufacturers in the world. We don't want to include data without the acknowledgement of the manufacturer.

    Nevertheless you can easily create your own components by yourself. The easiest way is to choose a similar existing device in the database, modify its parameters according to the manufacturer's datasheets, and save it under a new name, therefore creating a new file in your database.

    You have a tutorial for that on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PVsystTutos, page Component database

    With best regards,

  12. Dear Salma,

    In the original PVsyst database we don't have the following model : STP370S-B60/Wnh_1500V_20V02_1756

    I have checked your file "STP370S-B60/Wnh" : RShunt and RSerie values are unrealistic

    Please check your custom PAN files with the datasheet in order to be sure.

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