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Everything posted by satashi0123

  1. Dear Hardik May be we have to wait for the new feature. It's great idea
  2. By the way your PVsyst version is 6.7.3 right ?
  3. You can download Meteonorm and export the data to PVsyst type and then add it to PVsyst
  4. i use PVsyst 7.2 newest version and it fixed Fixed DC Ohmic Losses
  5. Search on google map " north Pole " and then get the coordinate (eg. 85,-135.1695281 ) then enter this value to PVsyst location search and you will get it
  6. Dear juanval8586, System output power distribution graph is result of the simulation with depend on the solar radiation. So i think it's just about the solar radiation is reach at that value many time.
  7. Dear Barbadori It's mean you just want to know the total night consumption value only ?
  8. Dear iulian.trisca I made it for you You can get the Excel file and follow my toturial in the topic to import this file to PVsyst in this topic : https://diendannangluongtaitao.com/t/mien-phi-ho-tro-tim-file-tam-pin-va-inverter-con-thieu-tren-phan-mem-PVsyst/1064/48?u=solarkid If you have any problem just reply in this topic. BR
  9. Dear HLubke, I have the same issue, There is the answer: Old or New version of PVsyst have a diffirent type of PAN / OND structure of database file. it's mean you have to use the correct version file when you add it to PVsyst. So check it with the manuafacture or try it with old version of PVsyst.
  10. Dear nanuk, In PVsyst there are 4 ways of defining the efficiency of inverters : - from a single efficiency curve eff = f(Input power), specified by up to 8 points - from a single efficiency curve eff = f(Input power), automatically built from the Maximum, EURO or CEC efficiencies and the Power Threshold (Pthresh) - from a set of 3 efficiency curves eff = f(Power, input voltage), all of them specified by up to 8 points - from a set of 3 efficiency curves eff = f(Power, input voltage), all of them automatically built from the Maximum, EURO or CEC efficiencies and Pthresh. Automatic efficiency profiles: this option is used when only the Maximum and EURO or CEC efficiencies efficiencies are available. PVsyst then construct default profiles You can see the detail here : https://www.pvsyst.com/help/inverter_efficiency.htm So if you don't check "Builds profile from given efficiencies" it will use the table you see on the right side
  11. i think it's here iulian.trisca. But you have to acess to the detail losses. I see your project get some error with the system configuration. So let check the system tab first. https://i.imgur.com/Sw3LAh5.png PVsyst Grid Voltage HV
  12. Thank you for your answer André Mermoud !
  13. Can’t open the file: “C:\Users\User\appdata\local\temp\PVModuleDB_V6.csv” File access denied Can’t open the file: Can’t open file: “C:\Users\User\appdata\local\temp\PVModuleDB_V6.csv”. These process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. This is my error on PYsyst software, i try to install on another drive but it didn't working, also change the user workspace.
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