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  1. Hi Michele, I changed the advanced parameter controlling the cell width to 0, but nothing changed. The fraction for electrical effect is 25% for the HV cable (assumed cable diameter 10cm and distance to array about 50m. I would send you the zip file to support@pvsyst.com. Looking forward to you feedback. Regards
  2. Hi Michele, I have done a 3D simulation (slightly hilly terrain plus overhead line (poles and wires)) with the PVSyst Version 7.2.21. Now I did the same simulation with Version 7.3.2 but the electrical losses increases from about -1,5% to -2,5%. I didn't changed anything. Could this change be caused by the the new way to calculate the electrical effect? Hope you can help me in this case. If you need anything please let me know. Regards
  3. Dear Mr. Mermoud, I already read you answer regarding the global incident below threshold. I understand that the influence is very low but what is the "technical" reason for neglect the hours when the irradiation is below 10W/m^2 and how was it included in the Near Shading or IAM loss? Normally, very low irradiation values and thus energy values should result in the plant not producing any energy anyway due to the minimum required power of the inverters. Would it be wrong to reduce the threshold to zero in the hidden parameters? Thanks for your answers
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