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What is the maximum number of x,y,z points that can be imported? Is there a specific maximum or does it depend on other details? I tried importing a large # of points (93,216) in version 6.40 and it did not accept the import. When I reduced the number it worked. Knowing the maximum will help select a sampling density for larger sites. I will upgrade to 6.41 today.




Hi André,

Thanks very much for this information. We have reduced the point density in a terrain in order to import a csv file covering about 82 hectares. It imports, and when I open the ground object in the Ground Editor, I can see the points. However, it does not generate the triangles and the terrain is not visible in the Global Scene View. Is there perhaps also a maximum distance between points for it to generate the triangles? Or some other criteria that I am not meeting? I am using 6.41.

For a site this large (26MW on 82 hectares) is the only feasible approach to divide into sub-arrays? I have previously run a PVsyst model using a Helios3D import of 77MW and it ran (overnight). Is the Helios 3D format import still really the only feasible way to run a large array on terrain, or can it be done within PVsyst alone using the correct import parameters for the terrain, and building the array using the zones?

Thanks for your help,


  • 2 weeks later...

Actually I want to retract the previous comment. The terrain I was trying to import had very uneven point density with clusters of points along a drainage ditch. I think this is why it did not generate the triangles. With a more evenly distributed point density it worked.

I was able to build the array using the zones and for a 26MW array it ran quickly in version 6.42 (6 minutes for shading table). Thanks for the improvements!


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