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Multiple module Mix in same inverter


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When I try to take in multiple module mix in same inverter the general practice is we split the MPPT via current bifurcation (by using the option of unbalanced MPPT in the .OND file) and simulate in PVsyst System section by taking two different sub array and in each array a different module but using the same .OND file, hence we define that we are using two module mix for same inverter; but the problem is in the report which is generated post simulation it shows 2 inverters instead of one? Can anybody please guide how to go about it or is this the typical expected output that will be displayed in the report?
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This is the right way: on a given sub-array, you can only define homogeneous arrays (i.e. same PV module model, same number of modules in series).

Now if you define an "normal" inverter with 2 MPPT, the report will mention one inverter and 2 MPPT. In this case the 2 MPPT inputs will be considered as 2 identical half-inverters

In your case you have specified "with unbalanced inputs", I don't know why. This is a very special case (suited for special inverters). With this option the MPPT inputs are specified as "Main" and "Secondary" input.

In your system definition you have to define a sub-array for each of these inputs. If you define 2 "Main" inputs, this will mean 2 different inverters.

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Reason for me to define unbalanced MPPT is cause I don't have equal proportion of two modules sub-arrays, I have two different types of modules in ratio of 10:90(for example), then I have to divide my MPPT in "unbalanced" way. When i define the two different modules I take them as two sub array on same inverter, one as main and other as secondary; But yet again this is showing two inverters instead of one, although the output is calculated as per one inverter only.
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In order to use unbalanced mppt and to display that the two different module mix are part of same Inverter, I tried one more method in which we divided the unbalanced mppt as per the individual Isc of the PV array been used, after doing so we were able to reach our goal. Thanks for your support.
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