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SolarAnywhere v3.8 wind speed import error

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Hello, I recently imported a SolarAnywhere TGY from their newest version, 3.8, which had all available variables selected. I noticed upon importing that PVsyst imports the 100m wind speed instead of the 10m wind speed, and no wind speed is imported at all if the 100m wind speed column was not available in the file.

I confirmed this error is present in v7.4.2 as well as the latest v7.4.8. 

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Hi Allison, 

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We are aware of the inconvenience and are actively collaborating with the SolarAnywhere team to implement a solution as quickly as possible.

The current workaround is to download the data in CSV format and manually import it into PVsyst by navigating to "Databases > Custom file" and selecting the appropriate wind speed column for import.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

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Just an FYI for others - I tried importing a SolarAnywhere 3.6 TGY file recently in PVsyst 7.2 and had a problem as well.

It seems that SolarAnywhere recently changed the column header of the windspeed variable from "WindSpeed (m/s)" to "Wind Speed (m/s)".  Note the addition of the space.

When I imported a file with the new convention, PVsyst didn't recognize the name of the windspeed column (rightfully so), and so windspeed for me became all zeros for the year.  This became problematic when I ran simulations, since I typically use a non-zero value for the wind component of the thermal loss factor (Uv).

Based on what the OP mentioned about SA 3.8 having issues - my guess is that CPR changed the windspeed naming convention for all of their products.

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Hello all, 

Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused, as Agnes stated, we are currently working with PVsyst to resolve this issue. An alternative workaround is to delete the “Wind Speed 100m (m/s)” column header in row 2 from the meteo file before uploading. This will ensure that correct 10m Wind Speed is uploaded, as opposed to 100m Wind speed (V3.8 files) or zero wind speed (V3.7 and earlier files downloaded since June 12, 2024).

If you are still having issues, please reach out to Support@SolarAnywhere.com. We will post an update on this thread once a fix for this issue has been released. More information can also be found here: https://www.solaranywhere.com/support/modeling-in-third-party-tools/ 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all, 

SolarAnywhere format files downloaded after August 16, 2024 have updated column header names that allow for the correct import of wind speed values into PVsyst. The 10-meter wind speed header has been updated to “WindSpeed (m/s)” and the 100-meter wind speed header has been updated to “Wind-Speed 100m (m/s)”. SolarAnywhere format files created between June 12, 2024 - August 16, 2024, are still affected by this issue regardless of data version and will require the quick fix outlined in our previous post.  

More details can also be found here: https://www.solaranywhere.com/support/modeling-in-third-party-tools/pvsyst/.  Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and please reach out to Support@SolarAnywhere.com if you have any questions. 

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