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Where are stored my working data of PVsyst ?

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For the versions 5.xx

Since version 5.2, depends on your Windows OS:

- Under Vista and Windows 7: c: \ ProgramData \ PVsyst \ Data \

- Under XP and olders: c: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ PVsyst \ Data \

Now you can also have yourself delocalized the data structure anywhere else (i.e. created directory "PVsyst_Data").

The directories actually in use are listed in the dialog "Files" / "Directories"

It is possible that you don't see the c:\ProgramData\ directory: see "I don't see a folder "\ProgramData\" on my machine".

It is also possible that you don't find your data in the c:\ProgramData\PVsyst\Data\ directory: please see "I don't find my files in the \Data\ structure".

For the versions 6.xx

The data structure is normally in c:\Users\"yourSession"\PVsyst6_Data\

If you have displaced them the actual path in mentioned in the main menu of the software: "Files" / "Workspace", User workspace ...

You will find a complete description of the Database structure and localization in the Help: "Technical aspects > File organisation > User data > Projects and PV components".

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