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Hello I would like to ask, which azimuth should to define in pv panels in my project in order to follow exactly the same azimuth with tiled roof.
The tilt angle I defined it without any trouble. But I defined the house azimuth angle equal to -64.6. When I define the same azimuth angle to pv panels I have the below reuslt.


How can I solve it?
Which azimuth angle should define in pv panels in order to follow the tiled roof?

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Just now, Michalis Angeli said:

Hello I would like to ask, which azimuth should to define in pv panels in my project in order to follow exactly the same azimuth with tiled roof.
The tilt angle I defined it without any trouble. But I defined the house azimuth angle equal to -64.6. When I define the same azimuth angle to pv panels I have the below reuslt.


How can I solve it?
Which azimuth angle should define in pv panels in order to follow the tiled roof?

I attach another one picture to be more clearly

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Dear Michalis Angeli,

I understand that creating your project in the 3D scene can be a bit challenging at times. Allow me to introduce another method for constructing your project. Here's how to do it:

Right-click on the menu bar where "point of view" is located, and then click on "normal to face." This will reveal the "normal to face" button in the menu:


Afterward, your 3D scene should be set to the realistic view for rendering.image.thumb.png.5344828728c994c625f8e1b72924f5dd.png

Following this, you need to click on the surface of your roof. In my example, I clicked on the left roof. To verify if the roof is selected, you'll notice that the color is slightly different from the rest of the building:

After clicking on "normal to face" in the "point of view" menu, you'll notice that the view has changed to align with the normal of your selected face:

Then, you can create a single PV table by using the "Draw" button located in the "Tools" menu.image.thumb.png.1486e45667290c9b78613d7a91c52ebe.png


Following this, draw a rectangle of the size you desire on the surface of your roof.

You can later modify the created zone to align with your table. To do this, double-click on the created zone table and make the necessary adjustments.

You can also view in basic parameters to check the orientation of your table.

If you require further assistance with this topic, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.





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