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How can I see the hourly Temperature data in Meteonorm 6, at PVsyst6 or PVsyst5


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Hello again,

I am wondering if I can see the exact hourly or daily data of the Temperature file in PVsyst 6 or 5, regarding the database Meteonorm6 in order to be able to compare them with other dagtabases such as NASSA and PVGIS.I have tried to open the file with the Temperqture but I only see the monthly values.

Thank you!

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You can display the temperature hourly values in "Meteo tables and Graphs" / page "Tables".

However you will not be able to compare anything.

When genetating hourly values from monthly ones, the series of days and hours is constructed randomly: each generation will give you a completely different time series.

The only meaningful temperature comparison is in monthly values.

NB: the NASA-SSE usually gives significantly lower values than other sources, for 2 reasons:

- the temperature is defined for 10 m altitude (not 2m as any meteo data),

- the temperature is the average over the whole area of 1°x 1° (1° latitude = 111 km). If you are in montaneous regions, the temperature is taken at the average altitude, which may be much higher than the "living" altitude.

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