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Different orientations in series

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Is that possible to connect the different orientations in series?

We have 3 different orientations as follow:

Orientiation#1  =  -21 Degrees (50 Modules)

Orientiation#2  =  78 Degrees (250 Modules)

Orientiation#3  =  159 Degrees (100 Modules)

Totals 400 Modules will be distributed to 100kW, 3 PCS and  will use 20 series,20 string.So, I set in the system as below :

Sub array #1

Orientiation#3  =  159 Degrees (100 Modules) 20 series and 5 strings

Connected to 100kW 1 PCS

Sub array #2

Mixed Orientation #1and #2=  -21 Degrees (50 Modules)&78 Degrees (250 Modules)

Total 300 Modules

20 series can not divided to 50 modules and 250 modules

So I just set 
20 series and 2 Strings for Orientation #1

20 series and 2 Strings for Orientation #2

Connected to  100kW PCS x 2

The problem is System didn’t match with Near Shading.

Are there any other options to solve this problem?

Thank you for your support always 

Best Regards,




Sub array #2

Mixed Orientation #1and #2=  -21 Degrees (50 Modules)&78 Degrees (250 Modules)

Total 300 Modules

20 series can not divided to 50 modules and 250 modules

So I just set 
20 series and 2 Strings for Orientation #1

20 series and 13 Strings for Orientation #2

Connected to  100kW PCS x 2

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