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Minimum parameters for energy injection to the grid


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I would need to know what criteria the program uses to consider that energy is injected into the network. That is, from what parameters (%P or %S, temperature, irradiance,...) considers the program that is injected into the network. I wanted to know if it is possible to limit the operation of the inverter from 0.5%P or if there is no limitation.

I Understand that The inverter nominal and maximal power are defined in the OND files. There is also a parameter called 'Power threshold' which defines from which power on the inverter starts converting DC to AC power. However, we have seen in some simulations that PVsyst starts to consider that energy is supplied below the "Power threshold". This is the data that we would need to know, in case we could modify our files. Thank you in advance.

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You can limit the power injected into the grid by indicating a limit from the "energy management" tab then "Grid power limitation".

If this doesn't suit you, you can restrict the AC output power of your inverter by modifying the "Pnom" and "Pmax" values from the OND file.

The production begins as soon as the MPP power is over the power threshold Pthresh of the inverter. The MPP power below this threshold is accounted as IL_Pmin loss. It is usually less that 0.1% over the year.
PVsyst doesn't manage a Voltage threshold, as the Array voltage is not very dependent on the irradiance. Even with a very low irradiance, the array MPP voltage becomes significant.
The Pthresh power may be understood as the power required for the Inverter internal circuits consumption.
Some manufacturers claim for a very low threshold. We can observe that 0.5% of PNom would correspond to an irradiance of 5 W/m²  (with respect to 1000 W/m²). Please remember that by very covered weather we have already 30 to 50 W/m² !

Please read our FAQ :https://www.pvsyst.com/help/inverter_inputmodel.htm?zoom_highlight=power+threshold

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