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Can't contact support

Raúl García

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I'm trying to inform a problem with the bank transfer option to extend a license, but it seems like the form in https://www.pvsyst.com/contact/ doesn't work. After I fill all the fields, when I click on "Send", I get this error:



Yesterday I tried two different times, and I've tried again some minutes ago, and I get the exact message.


The original error I was trying to fix is that I'm not getting the orders sent to my email so we can make the bank transfer:



Recently, We have tried to extend one of our expired keys, via bank transfer. This is a process we've done in the past, but after two days we haven't received anything at licencias@edisonnext.es (we changed the domain, but any email sent to licencias@feniceiberica.es should be redirected). I've tried to reorder it, with no success so it is forcing me to pay it with a credit card. Could you please send me the order so we can proceed to the payment via bank transfer?

Thank you in advance,

I'd appreciate help on both problems.


Thank you in advance,



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