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AMPT String-Level Optimizers with 0% efficiency in definitions


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I wanted to simulate some of our utility-scale solar farms with a repowering by adding String-Level Optimizers, from AMPT.

Now, the issue is that I can not get a proper simulation because I realised almost all AMPT Dual String Optimizers have an efficiency of 0.00% in their definitions, resulting in 100% loss due to Optimizer's efficiency during the simulation, thus 0 MWh production at the end. 

Would it be possible for the team to remediate to this? :)

See screenshots below

Thank you so much



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The treatment of AMPT optimizers doesn't work anymore. It is a bug which has been introduced in the versiion 7.2.14 (and perhaps 7.2.13). This will be corrected in the next version 7.2.15, to be released very soon.

In the mean time, the only way of using AMPT optimizers is to revert to a precedent version.

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