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Error Meteonorm 11

Laura Albarrán

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Dear User,


I can't reproduce your problem for these coordinates. There seems to be a problem with your windows system: Meteonorm requires both the latest .NET runtime and latest VC++ Redistributable from Microsoft. 

You can try to reinstall PVsyst and make sure to install both prerequisites: .NET runtime and VC++ redistributable. Without those prerequisites, Meteonorm cannot work correctly.


Alternatively, you can install them manually:

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 (both x86 and x64) from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/ at the bottom of the page in “Other Tools, Frameworks, and Redistributables”. Make sure to install them with administrator rights.

.NET 6.0 runtime from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download choose the “Run desktop apps”, again both x86 and x64. Install them with administrator rights also.


After reinstalling, make sure to reboot your system before trying in PVsyst.

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