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Tarray vs TArrWtd - In PVsyst v 6.79


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Pl explain the difference between the following parameters under “custom table” option in detailed results tab

Tarray – Average module temperature during running

TArrWtd – Module temperature weighted by Globinc

Both includes incident radiation effect right?

Thank you

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I have also a question related to Tarray, is it similar to the long-term mean module temperature (this value is requested by the consultant on a project that I'm working on) or is it something else in PVsyst? and how can we obtain the simulation result for this value?

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TArray and TArrWtd are based on the same TArray hourly data.

Only the way of averaging these data is different:

- TArray is a simple average of all values when the system is working.

- TArrWtd is an average weighted by the irradiance: TArrWtd = Sumh (TArray * GlobInc) / Sumh (GlobInc) where Sumh = sum on hours

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