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Result differences across versions


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I am working to recreate a PVsyst model for a site and use the model for weather normalization from the site's meteorological data. The original model was done in version 6.43. I am currently running version 6.75. When I get to the waterfall diagram, there are differences in the results for the Effective Irradiance on Collectors which I have not been able to replicate. I have read through the version changes posted in the PVsyst webpage but I cannot identify a change that would explain what I am seeing.

Here are the results in 6.75:

Input: 1624 kWh/m^2

Global Incident in coll. plane: +25.2%

Global incident below threshold: -0.1%

Near Shadings: irradiance loss: -3.1%

IAM factor on global: -1.3%

Soiling loss factor: -1.0%

In the version I am trying to replicate from 6.43:

Input: 1624 kWh/m^2

Global Incident in coll. plane: +29.4%

Global incident below threshold: None stated

Near Shadings: irradiance loss: -2.7%

IAM factor on global: -1.0%

Soiling loss factor: -1.0%

Any guidance on why these would be different and how to match the original model would be greatly appreciated.

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