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Problem to getting .OND and .PAN files

Amol Rohokale

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Hii all,


I am working on project, located in India. The module and inverter used are of the following make and manufacturing year of 2011-12,


1) Tianwei Solar films Co. Ltd : TW-TF-124-W1 , TW-TF-128-W1 & TW-TF-126-W1

2) Chint Solar Zhejiang Co. Ltd : CHSM 5011T 125W

3) T-Solar Global S. A : TS390_FS_SJ_GRND & TS370_FS_SJ_GRND


Schneider Electric: Xantrex 630kW (GT 630E 1000 LVRT) and Xantrex 500kW (GT 500E)

I am unable to get .PAN and .OND files for above models of inverter and module.

Please anyone can help me to get these (.PAN and .OND) files for all above models

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We update the database using the requests of the manufacturers, and publish it with each new issue of PVsyst.

We can't of course follow all the new products of all manufacturers. It would be a very big task, and we don't want to include data without the acknowledgement of the manufacturer.

Therefore, please ask your provider/manufacturer to take contact with us for updating the database.

The database of PVsyst holds now about 15'000 PV modules and 5'000 inverters.

Nevertheless you can easily create your own components by yourself. The easiest way is to choose a similar existing device in the database, modify its parameters according to the manufacturer's datasheets, and save it under a new name, therefore creating a new file in your database.

For Crystalline modules, except Isc, Vco, Impp and Vmpp, nb of cells in series and module sizes, you can let all the other parameters (mainly Rserie, Rshunt, Rsh(0) and RshExp) at their default value. You have a checkbox near to each parameter for retrieving the values proposed by PVsyst.

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